Trouble Calls

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    Wakeing up too a scream, I got up out of my bed, then I noticed Cherry isn't here. I ran out side, I saw her dad grabbing her, and beating her. I ran up too him and jumped on him, we fell on the ground I got in a couple good punchs, then he through me off of him, and he sicked me in the nose. Blood started gushing out of my nose, I thaught maybe he broke my nose then Cherry came up, and kicked her dad in the ribs. I got up, and asked Cherry, "Are you okay?"

    "Shaun, I'll be okay!" she, sounded irratated.

    "No Cherry, please be honest."

    "Shaun, he just bruised my hips a little, he tried too rape me!" She fell to the ground crying.

    I walked up too her dad, and kicked him in the chin, he yelled out. "Cherry go kill yourself, this place would be better with out you."

    I grabbed her hand, and ran off with her. We got too her our favorite spot the beach, thatsvwhen she started swimming and tried too drown her self. I swam out after her, yelling out  "Cherry stop, relax babe."

    I finally caught up too her, good thing I was in good shape, I grabbed her arm. "Shaun let me go, leave me alone!"

    I looked at her in the eyes, "no Cherry, I love you your not going too kill your self, theres no way I will lose you. I lost my mom, and I'm too far from my sister, I'm close too you and if you go, I go too! Please Cherry, please stay here with me."

    She started crying, and hugged me, "Shaun your my life, promise me you won't ever hurt me!"

    "Cherry I promise I won't hurt you, or even hurt you. You are too important too me!"

    We swam back too the beach, we laid down in the sand, just stared up in the stars. Bad news is, if we go back, her dad could kill us. We had too go back though, if we don't my grandma will call the police too put out a search for us. I grabbed her hand and held it, "Cherry, we got too go back."

    "No Shaun, no, no, no. Please don't make me go back!" She sat up.

    I sat up with her, and held her tight, "We got too, it will be okay!" I knew it wouldn't be okay though.

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