Suspend Me

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    The next day, man I woke happier than a clown at a circus. Though the day was about too get better, I was happy still! I walked too school, as soon as I got there, the principal was sitting there, telling me too come too his office. "Come in, young man!"

    I walked in, and sat down, "Sir whats the problem?"

    "Don't get smart, you started the fight with Grant yesterday? Am I correct?"

    "No, what the... No he started it!" I got rude. "Get your facts right!"

    "Grant is more believable, he is a amazing student here at Billford High. Your nee, new kids lie! You and Cherry are suspended for 6 days!"

    "What the fuck sir, Cherry didn't do nothing!"

    "Get out of my office now!"

    I walked out, man I was pissed, I punched my locker wgen I got too it! Grant walked up, he grabbed me "Shaun you think you can get away with this? Just wait and see when you get back, you ugly fag!"

    He pushed me, as soon as I turnes my head, I saw the princpal watching, why didn't he do anything! I decided I was done, I grabbed my stuff and walked home. I grabbed my cloths and started packing then walked out the door, thats when I saw Cherry's dad, pulling her out side the house! I ran up too them "Hey big man, pick on some one your own size!"

    He just looked at me, and let her go walked back inside! I thaught too myself that was easy I started walking down the road again Cherry caught up. "Where are you going?"

    I told her, "I'm done Cherry I'm going home!" in anger and frusteration!

    "Shaun, stop!" She grabbed my arm. "Your just going too leave like that? I need you, you make up my whole world Shaun if I lose you I might as well just die, what ever just go!" She turned and walked away.

    I yelled, "Cherry stop, I'll stay I just, It's just... It's hard!"

    Cherry turned, with a huge smile she ran and jumped on me! "I know it's hard, but we can so this together Shaun, you just got too fight and be there with me and for me."

    I smiled, I didn't want too let her go. Then it started raining we both laughed and smiled, I looked her straight in the eyes, "Damn'it Cherry I love you!" I grabbed her and kissed her, we stood there makeing out in the rain. It was one helluva good day I new, it wouldn't of been that bad, and I knew she was right we got too stick together!

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