Cherry's Story

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    Cherry, man was she beautiful, but she has had a past same as everyone else. Her story started out as a nice story, she was a kid like every other kid normal. When she turned 8 her uncle raped her for up to 3 years. She never told anyone, she hide's it inside, and she's afraid too even think of it, her mom beat her everyday since she was 6, and yet she lasted this long, she's really strong! It just show's anyone can be strong, Cherry started getting bullied when, Grant moved to Billford, he use too date her, and he even raped her, so he knew what her body looked like. He dumped her because she was anerexic, and he started bullieing her! Cherry started cutting everyday, she told her self she would quit but the bullieing got worse, until Grant showed the whole school her cuts!

    The worst part, she has a kid named, Kelly, its Grant's but Grant wouldn't help, and her parents wouldnt let her have the kid, so her grandparents raise the Kelly. I felt bad, I never knew she wanted tol comite suicide everyday of her life. I hugged her aftet she told me how her brother died, he put a gum to his head right in front of her. It was a scarey thaught, I told her, it would be aright, and I told her not too kill herself, and too stop cutting. I care about her, I can't see her die, are stain her wrist in blood.

    I promised her, I'm there for her and I would never give up on her, she started crying, I hugged her tight, she said. "For a creepy geek, you make me feel less hurt inside!"

    I smiled and told her, "Cherry, I like you, the reason I moved too Cali. Is because my family are haveing issue's with money, so my father only wanted two mouths two feed his and my sister's. Honestly, I hate that I had too go, my sis and my fathers relationship isn't very good. She cut's ever since our mom died, she comited suicide! We miss her very mutch, yet I can't take seeong my sis in so mutch pain, she cuts and she has tried too comit suicide! Listen Cherry I'm here for you!"

    Cherry responded by giveing me a hug, "Never let me go, Shaun I'm here for you too if you need too talk! Now I must be getting home, I will see you on monday right?"

    "Yes, yes you will see ya'll later!"

    I felt so bad, but you can't blame youself, it was sad! Its the truth, for those of you who go through this stuff, don't give up you can make it through this!

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