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    Cherry was so happy, man I never seen her smile as big as this since I asked her out. She was so happy we got suspended, my grandma let her move in with us, because I told my grandma what her parents sre like, and Cherry's smile got even bigger when she heard she could stay at my house. I was happy, my dad sent me too Cali. For a year  Cherry is my world!

    I never felt so alive, but when I'm with her I feel so crazy and amazing, she's my other half and man do I love her! I hope she never leaves me. There was a knock at the door, it was Cherry, I ran too the door and opened it up. "Hey babe, come on in." I showef her around the house, we got too my room, Cherry said "Oh so we can get dirty tonight huh?" Than she laughed.

    I laughed too, I said, "Maybe!"

    We went too the kitchen too eat dinner; Steak, potatoes, and corn just yum, a country boy's favorite, I thaught to myself. I couldn't get Cherry out of my mind, she was my girl, and I plan too keep it that way!

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