Turned Bad

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    I woke up the next day, sunday always the worst day of the weekend, time to get teady too go back to school again, dang I wished I had more time. The funny thing is, what woke me up, siren's down the street. I looked out my window, the was a cop car parked outside of the Wilson's house, I thaught too myself, Cherry did something. I was scared that she did something, out of the corner of my eye, I saw blue and red lights comeing, it was a ambulance what was going on? It could be anything, I just hope its not Cherry.

    I went down the stairs, the house was dark and the wood under the floor creeked, so I had to be extra quiet, I opened the front door thats when I saw the stretcher. I hoped too god it wasn't Cherry, I ran as fast as I could over too the Wilson's where I found Cherry on her knees crying, I knelt down beside her, "Whats going on Cherry?" I put my arm around her and pulled her close too me.

    I didn't see her do it, but she took out a razor, and all of a sudden I saw blood I grabbed the razor, and I called for help the paremedics came over, she cut her wrist. I started crying, I asked her "Cherry please, don't go!"

    The paremedics took her along with her mother, I guess Her dad beat her mom too a pulp. I was scared for my life, I had no clue what too do, I promised myself I would see her in the hospital the next day, I went back home, sat on the couch and just worried, thats all I could honestly do, is worry. What else was I exspose to do? I had to stay strong for her, I started falling asleep then my mind went blank, I was out.

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