Consumed With Pain

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    As I looked one last time at the light of the day, I saw Cherry standing with a bit of a smile covered by a fist. Last I remember I was on the ground, after that everything went black. I woke up a few minutes later with the urge to cry, I hurt all over the place, my body ached in pain. As I looked around I noticed I was in a hospital, as I heard the door open to my room, I looked and saw a ladie looked to be a doctor, I looked at her and asked, "What... What happened?" I was confused.

    "All we know is, you got you butt kicked kid. You have three broken.ribs, a fractured shoulder, your right elbow is broken, and your nose is broken. What I would like to know is, how did this fight break out?" She asked, what she had said, scared me.

    "I... I don't.. Really remember!" I didn't remember much.

    "There's detectives waiting out side too see you, they will be in after I leave."

    She checked my pulse, and gave me a pain reliever pill, then turned and walked out the door. I was frightened, I could have died. Then as I got comfortable the door slammed open, "Hello kid! My names Officer Polly, do you know anything if what had happened?"

    I looked at the detective, I thaught too myself, I decided I would tell him what I remember, so I began telling him, "I remember this girls face, I think it was my ex girl friends face, her names Cherry! She had a smile in her face, come to think of it though she wasn't looking at me, and.." He stopped me.

    "No kid, tell me about the fight, who did this to you?"

    "Grant, he yelled out, get him thats the last thing I remember hearing."

    "Thanks kid, thats good for now you get some rest." He looked at me for second, then he turned and walked away.

    I can't believe this happened, I could of faught back. Thats the least of my worry's though at the moment. If Cherry wasn't looking at me, who was she looking at, I looked up at the door, then I looked toward the window. Man you can see half the city from this veiw, thats when I heard the door open again, and boy was I happy and surprised too see who it was.

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