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"Did he invite the whole city?" You asked as Jeremy helped you out of the carriage. Your servant chuckled.

"You don't get out much, do you?" He asked, patting your head. You quickly brushed him off, not wanting him to mess up your hair that was freshly done.

"Argh! Treat your master with some respect, will you!" He pouted and bowed.

"Oh my! I am so sorry, mistress." He said, a smirk visible as he was bowing. You rolled your eyes.

"Get up, idiot. Let's go." Jeremy chuckled as he walked quickly to catch up to your retreating form, a grin still on his face.

You walked into the mansion and stared out into the crowd of people. They were all cheering, laughing, dancing - things that you preferred to not involve yourself in.


"May I have this dance?" Jeremy held out his hand to you.

"Don't be foolish, Jeremy." You began to walk away, but he caught your wrist and swiveled you around so that you were facing him. He held his hand gently to your waist and held your hand with his. He began to start a Waltz, leaving you to try to quickly catch up, as to not embarrass yourself.

"What. Are. You. Doing." You asked through gritted teeth, practically spitting venom at him. He smiled at you.

"I apologize, but this is the best way for us to see who's around without looking suspicious." He said, looking around as the two of you waltzed.

"But you know that I can't dance very well-"

"Just follow my lead." He said. He let go of one of your hands and firmly grabbed the other, spinning you around. Once he positioned you quickly back into the waltz steps, you were forced to quickly recover from your spin. After you did, you sent him a glare.

"You're having too much fun with this."

"Yes. I absolutely am."

As you kept dancing, you started getting the hang of it. Jeremy's smile got bigger as his approval for your dancing grew. You almost had all of it down when someone bumped into you, causing you to crash into Jeremy's chest, ruining the dance. Jeremy wrapped you in his arms upon impact, as he barely budged. You looked up at him to see him practically snarling.

'What's his problem?'

"I apologize sincerely." The voice behind you rang out, "I made my little robin upset, and she accidentally bumped into you. Please, continue with your dance."

You turned around, Jeremy still holding you tightly, to find Viscount Druitt politely bowing towards you. He had a girl to his right. She had long navy blue pigtails and had her arms crossed over her flat chest. She had a bright pink on that was adorned with several flowers, as well as the hat that she was wearing. She also caught your attention with the fact that she had a beautiful blue eye on one side, but the other was covered up with her bangs and hat. She looked to the side, impatiently tapping her foot against the ballroom floor.


"Oh no," You said, effortlessly getting out of Jeremy's grasp, "I apologize, I am not the best dancer... My partner here was trying to teach me, so I must've bumped into her. Please forgive me."

You smiled and stepped up to him, bowing politely with elegance.

"And what might your name be?" The Viscount asked, grabbing you by the hand. The girl he was standing with had a flash of anger cross her face as she stared at you with an irritated glare. You returned her gesture, only with a mocking smile.

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