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"... Wait. It's your birthday?" You questioned. Ciel nodded.

"Yes. I'm turning the miraculous age of seventeen." He mocked.

"... What's so bad about that?" You asked him, curious as to why he seemed so upset.

He looked at you, seeming to be confused. Why? Why was he upset? He couldn't tell you that. No, not now. He trusted you, but he didn't want you to be upset, much less make you go into another panic attack or something.

He sighed and looked down, ashamed of the 'secret' he was determined to keep.

"If you don't want to talk about it, it's no big deal." You commented, seeming to read Ciel's thoughts, "You can tell me later. I'm not going anywhere, especially since it's your birthday. There's no way that I'd miss this."

You looked over at Elizabeth.

"Hey... Lizzy, right?" You asked. She stood straighter, looking happy that someone willing called her by her wanted name. She hastily nodded.

"Maybe we don't need all of the pink... But let's spruce the place up a bit." You said, causing Elizabeth to smile widely at you.

"You'll help me decorate!?" You nodded, "Oh my~! Thank you! Thank you, thank you!!"

She grabbed you by your hand and dragged you back down the stairs with more power than you had previously predicted.

While you began to help the girl with the interior of the manor, Ciel couldn't help but smile at you. You were so caring and selfless sometimes, and he admired you deeply for that. While Ciel could barely even muster a hug from his cousin, you ignored her obvious flaws and he was sure that you had made a lifelong friend. You grabbed a dark blue ribbon, hoping to give off a more... 'Ciel' vibe instead of one that screamed 'Elizabeth'. You quickly put up the bows and inspected your job, quickly approving afterward.

"Hey (Y/n)!" Ciel yelled from the balcony, causing you to look up at him, "The one on the right is a bit crooked."

You smiled, realizing that Ciel's comment wasn't necessarily to critique your work, but to silently announce that he approved of the items. You went up to the last bow on the right and moved it so it was back to its center position.

"Better?" You yelled back. Ciel nodded.

"Oh no!" Elizabeth shouted.

"What's wrong Elizabeth?" You asked, still admiring the bows hanging on the wall.

"Your dress! It's filthy!" She announced, causing you to pull your attention away from the decor and look down at your outfit, "This simply can't do! What would the guests think if Ciel Phantomhive's betrothed was wearing a dirty gown! The name of the Earl would be ruined!"

"... Betrothed?" You asked, not noticing the embarrassed face of Ciel peering down at the two of you.

Lizzy grabbed your wrist and dragged you back up the stairs.

"W-Wait! Lizzy, where are we going?!" You asked, although the blonde was completely ignoring you as she led you to a guest bedroom. You walked in, allowing Elizabeth to close the door behind her and locking it.

'What is with everyone and dragging me around today?!'

Elizabeth immediately went into the bathroom and walked into the walk-in closet. She had sorted through a number of dresses while you sat on the bed, wondering what she was doing. After a couple of minutes, Elizabeth finally found one. She came out of the bathroom holding up a sleeveless blue ball gown and in her other hand was a pair of black gloves.

"Lizzy, what is this for?" You asked. She smiled.

"Well, since it's Ciel's birthday and we're going to be throwing a ball of sorts, you need to look your best!" You sat there, shocked as Lizzy laid down the outfit on the edge of the bed, "I'll call Mey-Rin to run you a bath! Oh, this will be so much fun! I've always wanted a sister to dress up!"

And with that, the girl ran out of the guest bedroom, closing the door behind her. You giggled to yourself, wondering how you got yourself into this mess.

There was a knock at your door almost immediately after she left. You perked up and listened for the announcement of who it was.

"It's me, mistress."

"Please, come in."

The door opened to a smiling Jeremy. He walked in and sat next to you on the side of your bed.

"What are you up to?" He asked, eyeing the outfit on the other side of you. You sighed and rubbed the back of your neck.

"Elizabeth is determined to dress me up for a... ball? I mean, I know that she wanted to decorate the house a little, but I had no idea that she had this so planned out."

Jeremy laughed.

"Well, have fun." He got up and began to walk towards the door, "Oh, by the way, I'm going to be covering your scent tonight. I have a feeling that there will be at least one other demon that enjoys your smell."

You weakly smiled down as you played with your hands anxiously.

"I suppose that will be alright. Thank you, Jeremy."

Your butler was concerned about your sudden change in tone, but decided to ignore it, as he sensed Elizabeth coming down the hallway with one of the Phantomhive servants at her side.

"Please call me if you need anything." You simply nodded in response.

He frowned at your behavior, but left nonetheless, not wanting to get involved with the hyperactive girl about to burst through your door. He strode out of the room just in time to allow Elizabeth and Mey-Rin to enter.

"Mey-Rin, please run her a bath," Elizabeth commanded. Mey-Rin clumsily bowed in response, hurrying to the bathroom connected to the guest bedroom that you were being held in.

"This really isn't necessary-"

"Stop denying me! Just let me do this one time." She begged. You rolled your eyes, but ended up allowing her in the end.

Boy, was this going to be a fun night.

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