~twenty three~

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"Well? Why don't we enjoy this beautiful weather?" He said, gesturing towards the gazebo. As you looked closer at the building, you noticed that there was, in fact, a picnic table shielded below its roof with a cloth sitting on top of it. You walked behind Alois, curious as to what he had 'planned'. As you got closer, you spotted several plates of steaming hot food. Your stomach growled loudly, allowing you to come upon the realization that you hadn't eaten for at least a day.

Alois chuckled as you tried to hide the the blush that grew on your face. It was an embarrassing display on your part, and it made him smile.

"S-Shut up!" You yelled. Though you were still bashful, you quickly sped up to the gazebo and sat down, trying to enjoy the scenery around you, but your hunger did not agree with your decision. It growled once more, but now even louder. You slowly looked down at the food below you. You unconsciously licked your lips as you stared at the gourmet, not noticing that Alois had sat down across from you.

You reached out, preparing to grab a piece of very delicious looking bread when a hand slapped yours away.

Instinctively, you let out a quick yelp and retracted your hand. You looked up and found that the person sitting on the other side of you had taken the plate of bread and held a piece of one in his hand. You stood up, slamming your hands on the table in frustration.

"Hey! Give me that! I haven't eaten in days!" You said, clenching your open hands into fists, only to have the blonde smile deviously at you in return.

"Oh, I apologize. I didn't know that this was yours. I could have swore that this was my home." He said, taking a bite out of the bread that he picked up. You mumbled out a few ungodly curse words, but you slowly sat back down, now identifying the personality of the Earl—annoying and prideful.

"Fine. Fine." You sighed, still listening to the musical that your stomach was producing, "Do whatever you want. It's not like I'm starving."

Alois watched you cross your arms and huff in agitation for a couple of moments before he started laughing. You looked over at him, a confused and suspicious look crossing your face.

"What?!" You yelled, sitting up a little in preparation to defend yourself.

"(Y/n). (Y/n), I'm just kidding." He said, holding his head in one hand as he pointed to the food with the other, "All of this is yours."

Your angry look soon turned into a smile at his words. You reached out for the plate of bread that he had next to him, but once again, he pulled it away.

You sat back in your chair, as you were beginning to get tired of his antics. You decided that maybe he just wanted the bread for now, but as you reached for several other dishes, he managed to take those out of your grasp as well. You growled at his smirking face.

"What the hell are you doing? I thought you said that I could eat!" You yelled, groaning at his behavior.

"You are correct. I did tell you that you could eat anything you wanted. Though, there's a catch." He stated, taking another bite of the bread that he held. You glared at him.

"And what would that be?" You said in an agitated tone.

"You have to let me feed you."

You blinked several times at his answer. At first it confused you, but a pink tint soon decorated your cheeks as his statement dawned on you.

"What? You're not being serious, right...?" You asked, becoming a stuttering mess. Alois smiled innocently and held up his hands in defense.

"Just one time. Then, you can have whatever you want." He said, gesturing towards the food that was beginning to cool off. You watched the steam disappear from the food, but tore yourself away from it, snarling at Alois.

"I would never-"

"Oh no~! It seems that Claude has ran out of food to make! Oh, what a shame... Welp, looks like this is the only food that we can have for today."

You swallowed the droll that you had accumulated during his last sentence and looked down at the food again.

'God, this idiot is going to be the death of me.'

"Fine." Was all you stated, crossing your arms as you watched Alois's smirk spread.

"Oh really? You'll do it?"

"Yes. Now let's just—"

"What would you like to eat first? So many things to chooseù"

"Let's just get this over with, alright!?" You spat. Alois grinned.

"Hmm.. How about some soup?" He asked. Though, he didn't really give you a chance to answer before he leaned over the table, grabbed a spoonful, and put it in the vicinity of you mouth. You turned your head away from the food instinctively. Though, when you saw his hand pulling back, you knew that it represented him pulling all of the food away from you. You let out a long, exasperated sigh and turned your head back towards him. He smiled and slowly leaned the spoon closer to you. A blush crept back onto your cheek as you slowly opened your mouth and drank the soup off of the spoon. You wiped off your face and glared a him, your blush getting deeper.

"Well?! Can I eat now?!" You yelled, embarrassed of the fact that you were flushed. Alois tapped his cheek for moment, seemingly in thought.

"Hmm.. I don't know... Maybe one more~"

"Alois!" You yelled, getting sick of his act. He smirked at you and nodded his head.

"Yes. Yes, (Y/n). You can eat now."

You happily scarfed down the food in front of you, not caring about how the Earl thought of you.

Alois watched you, still munching on the bread that he had. You still, even when becoming an animal in the face of nutrition, impressed and intrigued the boy. You were such a spectacle—a delightful little show. And he enjoyed every minute of it. Your reactions were always so priceless. It made him wonder: How would your react to other sources of stimuli? Light touches, or teasing, or maybe even some embraces every once in a while. He didn't know why he felt that he wanted to try this, but he wanted to experience whatever this was with you. But he knew one thing for sure.

Your blush was cute.

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