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"You look absolutely gorgeous!" Elizabeth exclaimed, making you blush.

The black and blue Victorian dress hugged your figure nicely. The ruffles were added to give it a fuller volume, showing off your hips. The black gloves made your arms slimmer and gave you a very professional-looking appearance. You actually adored the dress and noticed that they seemed to compliment the Earl himself with its corresponding colors.

"You're going to make so many boys swoon." She said, a smile on her face, "But we can't let Ciel see you until the party starts. Oh! And it's a masquerade, so I got you a mask."

She went back into the walk-in closet, past the bathroom and sorted through a chest. Elizabeth picked up a blue and black mask that was decorated with lace and also held several bedazzled jewels. She brought it out to you and held it out, allowing you to take it and tie it around the back of your head, holding it in place. Elizabeth inspected your overall outfit, and soon nodded in approval.

"Oh! I think I hear several guests coming in!" She shouted. She grabbed you by the hand and gently led you out of the bedroom. Down the hallway, you couldn't see anyone, but you could hear faint music and laughs of noble men and women. Elizabeth let go of your hand and pulled out a mask of her own that matched her pink and red dress.

"I'm gonna go ahead and go out there. You decide when its time to make your entrance." She winked as she put on the masquerade mask. She finished tying it in the back and quickly walked off, heading down the steps to greet some of the guests that she had invited.

You took a deep breath and slowly let it out. If Lizzy was right, that meant that all eyes would be on you.

Don't worry about it. You still have Jeremy-'

You cut your thoughts short when you said your butler's name, causing you to hang your head in shame. You remembered the details of your contract, but it still hurt you that the butler, whom you cherished as a friend, was only pretending. It didn't mean anything, and shouldn't.

'No. Tonight's not about me. It's about Ciel. I gotta get over this feeling, at least for now.'

You mustered a smile and slowly walked over to the set of stairs, observing the crowd below you. You didn't want to be seen just yet, so you just peered around the corner.

Lizzy was right. This was definitely a masquerade ball. You gulped nervously, not knowing where your fellow friends were and what they were up to. You shakily leaned up against the wall and took a deep breath before walking out onto the top of the staircase. You looked down towards the ground as you walked down the steps, hoping to avoid any eye contact with anyone and everyone.

You kept your eyes off of the people below you and continued to walk down the steps. Your breath hitched a little when you heard that the chatter was starting to die down, as was the music. You got about halfway down the steps when the noises around you completely died down and everyone came to a standstill. You stopped your descent and lifted up your head, locking eyes with seemingly everyone around you. The whole audience was staring at you, and you felt extremely uncomfortable.

Your thoughts went back to the bored face of Ciel and the inspiration of Lizzy's determination.

'No. I'm not going to ruin this night.' You told yourself, taking your next steps confidently.

As you walked across the floor of the ballroom, you could hear several people talk as you walked past them.

"Who is that?"

"Her dress is absolutely splendid!"

"Is that the Earl's betrothed?"

All of these questions and statements ran through your head, and each and every time you heard it, you held your head higher. You weren't freaking out anymore, and it felt nice.

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