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"What the hell do you want." Jeremy spat, making you flinch. Your butler was always a very happy-go-lucky person - it was almost annoying sometimes, but when he got serious, there was usually hell to pay.

"My lady," Sebastian, no longer wearing his 'tutor' outfit, bowed slightly, "I'm glad to see that you're okay."

"Don't speak to her." Jeremy threatened.

"Look," Ciel started, no longer wearing his pink dress or pigtails, but now wearing a noble clothing - which you approved of, "We don't mean any harm. We just want to talk to her-"

"You are not to speak to her unless invited to do so." Your butler proclaimed, still keeping up his defenses.

He turned to look at you. Your bored facial expression told him that his services were no longer needed, as well as the shooing hand that you were giving him. He did as you signaled and stepped away from you to give you room to walk up to the two, but he was not about to let them lay an ill hand on your body. So, although he did as his mistress asked, he still kept the snarl that he previously featured.

"I believe that we've gotten off on the wrong foot." You stated, popping out your hip to rest one of your legs slightly and you also inspected your nails, "I am (Y/n) (L/n), formally known as The Queen's Viper. And you are Ciel Phantomhive, The Queen's Guard Dog. And also, judging by my butler's attitude, I assume that your... 'tutor' here, or whatever his title is, isn't exactly human. Tell me, have I missed anything?"

Sebastian smiled at you.

"Pfft." Ciel exaggerated, "I have no idea what you're talking about-"

"Still the same egotistical brat that you were when you were younger, ey?"

Ciel tapped his foot impatiently on the ground.

"You need to watch your mouth." Ciel mumbled.

"Oh sorry, what was that? I mean, I have no problem with sending my butler here to eat this demon's little bedtime snack. Honestly, he could've done better." You commented, smirking as Ciel began to blow his top. Sebastian continued to watch you as you beat Ciel down to a pulp with your insults, intriguing him. He knelt down to Ciel and whispered into his ear.

Ciel stopped yelling for a few seconds to listen to his butler's proposal, causing a grin to form on his face. Sebastian stepped back away from Ciel and continued to watch the scene before him unfold.

"Well, since I obviously don't know much about this... Viper title, please come and visit my manor tomorrow. I would love to sit and play a game of chess with you."

You smiled and clapped your hands together.

"Wonderful! I will be over by late afternoon. Farewell for now, Phantomhive."

You walked away from the two and from that horrid building. You continued to walk to down the streets of London when Jeremy suddenly picked you up.

"What exactly are you-"

"I wouldn't want my master to get a cold out here." Jeremy quickly commented, his usual smile gracing his face.
You thought for a moment and looked back up at Jeremy.

"Hey, Jeremy?"

"Yes, mistress?"

"Can we stop by a couple of stores?"

He pinched your cheek.

"I don't see why not."


You got some things for yourself, but you really enjoyed the thought of giving your servants a couple of gifts for Christmas. So, not revealing the identity of the items, took them back to the manor and quietly put them in your room.

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