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The rain poured on top of the manor, causing a beautiful sound to resonate through the mansion's halls. You were heading to the library in hopes to find some documents about this case without alerting anyone, which wasn't usually a chore to do, as everyone was busy with their own thing for the most part.

You opened the doors to the library and took just a moment to admire the space that was purposefully made to be filled with literary devices.

You took a deep breath to calm yourself, and you began your search.


After a little while of snooping, you couldn't find much. He didn't have a desk in the room, which surprisingly seemed to make it harder for you to find what you needed, if it was even in here. At this thought, a sudden twang of panic hit you.

'If it's not here, it has to be in his study... Crap! There's no way that I'll be able to get in there without getting caught—'

"What are you doing in here, Lady (Y/n)?" Sebastian questioned from behind you, almost causing you to jump out of your own skin, "Are you looking for Ciel?"

"Y-Yes." You replied quickly, turning around to face him. You were very happy for his suggestion, because it allowed you to come up with a reasonable excuse.

"Well, he should be in his study. If he's not, you're more than welcome to just wait there until he returns. He doesn't leave the place very often."

His invitation sent a shock wave of hope into you. You could do it. You had a clear shot at this, and you weren't going to miss it. You smiled at the butler.

"Thank you very mu—"

Sebastian suddenly grabbed you by your arm as you tried to walk past him. As you tried to pull away from him, the grip on your arm only got tighter, causing you to let out a whimper in pain.

"S-Sebastian, what're you-"

"You're such a tease." He interrupted, freezing you in your place, "Jeremy really did pick a delicacy."

Your eyes narrowed at him, as you realized what he was speaking of. You snickered.

"What? Is Ciel not good enough for you?" You mocked, causing a frown to grace his pale face.

"My master and I's relationship is nothing of your concern."

"Ah, see, but that's where you're wrong." You countered, his grip on you starting to falter, "You and I both know that every demon loves to brag on his dinner, unless someone else's treat is better than his. Now tell me, do I smell better than your master?"

He took a moment to stare at you, emotionless, until he smiled deviously at you.

"You're quite the character, Miss (Y/n)." He announced, though he was still not letting your arm free. In fact, his grip on your arm got tighter once again, "No wonder why my Lord has taken such a liking to you.

Several sweat beads formed on your forehead. Not only were you concerned about Sebastian's erratic behavior, but you were worried about Ciel returning to his office before you could get there to investigate. You swallowed a clump of your anxiety and looked up at Sebastian.

"I'm glad we had this chat, but I really need to get going—"

"Ah, of course. You must want to see my master. Very well."

He let go of your hand and bowed towards you.

"We shall continue this conversation later, yes?" He asked, a smirk on his face as his eyes flashed the color pink.

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