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 After Elizabeth went into the kitchen, she reappeared with Sebastian at her side, who was carrying a patch of cutely decorated blue cupcakes. In Elizabeth's hands were several little party hats and a few candles.

"It's just an age, (Y/n). I don't understand why it makes everyone so happy." He complained.

"Because it marks the day that you were born." You commented, grabbing his shoulder, "I'm happy about it."

A faint blush appeared on Ciel's face, but he didn't dare look at you, as it would show tremendously.

Elizabeth's joyous giggles caused Ciel to turn his attention towards her. Fortunately, his blush disappeared with his action.

"Ciel!" She shouted, gesturing towards the dining room table. She had Sebastian place the dessert on the table, as she came in behind him and put a single candle on each one. Once she was done, she looked up at Sebastian, seemingly giving him permission to light them. He did so fairly quickly. During this, Elizabeth walked over to Ciel.

"C'mon Ciel!" She grabbed his arm and started dragging him to the table, having you follow closely behind. She had him sit at the head of the table while you sat to his right, and Elizabeth to his left.

Ciel stared blankly at the dessert in front of him, his breathing causing the small flames to flicker back and forth. He looked up at you and Elizabeth to see the both of you staring back at him, eagerly anticipating him to blow out the candles. He groaned, but eventually took a breath of air in, preparing to blow it onto the cupcake and cause the flame to dissipate.

"No! You have to make a wish first! Doesn't he, (Y/n)?" Elizabeth grabbed one of the birthday hats and sneakily put it on Ciel's head as you made your decision.

Ciel, still holding his breath looked at you, only to see you give Elizabeth your approval with a nod. He let his breath out slowly, careful as to not disturb the candles. He stared at the cupcakes for a couple of moments contemplating on what his wish would be.

'This is so idiotic. Why do I have to do all of these stupid traditions? Surely they must have something better to do than to spend the day with me-"

He looked over to you, a faint touch of blush decorating his cheeks. You had spent the day with him. You spent the day getting pampered by Elizabeth. You spent the day helping her decorate. You spent the day dealing with his moods. You spent the day with him.

He remembered the moment that you started walking down the steps into the ballroom and everyone was turning to look at you. You looked so beautiful. He wanted to run up to you and wrap you in an embrace, but he had a feeling that it wouldn't help you, seeing as you were tensing up a little. Though surprisingly, when you stopped to look at the crowd, you had seemed panicked for a split-second, but you quickly changed your demeanor and continued your walk down the steps with your head high. You had conquered your fear in that moment, and Ciel had suddenly realized that he needed to conquer a fear of his own.

He took another breath, trying to mask the smile on his face, and blew it out, causing the nearby candles to lose their flames. You and Elizabeth clapped as Sebastian took out the dripping candles.

"Well Ciel, what did you wish for?" Elizabeth asked. Not very interested, you reached out to the batch and picked out a cupcake and quickly put it in your mouth, chewing it delicately as to not forget any of its beautifully rich flavors.

"Now Elizabeth, I can't tell you that. If I did, then it wouldn't come true." He explained to the blonde. The Earl glanced over at you to see a little bit of frosting on your cheek. He saw this as an appropriate opportunity and reached out his hand to you. His thumb gently glided against your face, picking up the frosting. You noticed this and stared at him, a little suspicious. He pulled back and stared at you, a mischievous glint in his eye. 

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