~twenty four~

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"Wakey wakey~" Alois cooed, drawing open the curtains to your room. The morning sun cascaded over the room and your body, drizzling it in speckles of light. You could sense the light, and your eyes fluttered open.

"Mmm... What?" You asked, rubbing your eyes as you sat up. Alois looked over at you and noticed your incredibly frizzy bed head, causing him to cackle.

"...Whaaa?" You mumbled out.. You collided back with your bed, snuggling into the large pillow that laid beneath you, but Alois soon came over and ripped the covers off of you, leaving you exposed to the cold, frigid, morning air that you hated so much. You groaned and pulled your knees to your chest, "Phantomhiveeeee, go back to sleep."

Alois stopped moving at your request.

"Phantomhive is—"

A soft snore resonated throughout the room. Alois grumbled at your sentence. Awake or not, your thoughts were still consumed of him, and it angered the Trancy. Although his 'plan' had just begun, he was already disappointed in this predicament. What was something that Ciel had that he didn't? Was it more money? Freedom? Maybe it was that stupid butler's work, he didn't know.

"Come hereeee." You whined, opening your arms out childishly. He looked down at you and raised an eyebrow, curious as to your behavior. Eventually, he did as you had asked, but he was still very hesitant. Once he was in your grasp, he immediately regretted the decision that he made.

You lunged out at him and wrapped your delicate arms around Alois tightly and pulled him onto the bed with you. Alois struggled in your grip as you began to cuddle him, still half-asleep.

"You stupid girl—Let me go!" He yelled, his arms trapped in your grasp. Soon, you had relaxed, laying your head in the crook of his neck. He tensed significantly at the contact, but unless you woke up, he wouldn't be able to escape on his own. He stopped struggling, noticing that your hair had cascaded on his face. He tried to blow it away, but that attempt was futile. Though, an entrancing scent caught his nose, stopping all of his actions.

'What is that smell?' He asked himself. He knew that Claude wasn't cooking, so where could it be coming from? With some struggling, he sat up, allowing your arms to fall back onto the bed. He continued to sniff several times until he was led to your sleeping figure. He hesitated, but soon leaned down, lightly grabbing a couple pieces of your hair, and inhaled.

'You..? That smells... wonderful.'

It reminded him vaguely of Japanese Cherry Blossom, a smell that that he thoroughly enjoyed when put in his tea. He continued to smell your hair, now taking in deep inhales.

"... What are you doing?" You groggily asked as you yawned. Surprised by your sudden wakefulness, the Earl quickly tried to seem like he was innocently sitting on the bed, but he ended up falling backwards and onto the floor instead.

"Trying to wake you up, stupid girl!" He shouted, glaring up at you as you peered down at him. You smirked.

"What foul language." You said, getting up off of your bed. You looked down at Alois and covered your mouth in attempts to conceal your laughter, "What are you even wearing..?"

You laughed as he looked down at his outfit that showed off his trademarked shorts. He got up and brushed off his shirt and put his hand on his hip, a light blush on his cheeks.

"Whatever. Let's just get going." He whined. You raised an eyebrow at him as you went towards the closet that he had provided you. You began to browse through it and quickly picked out a simple, comfortable outfit that featured a peasant-styled white blouse and a brown skirt that your shirt would be tucked into. You loved to wear simple clothing, but Alois frowned at your choice.

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