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Ciel walked out of the room and into the dining room and found you with a coat slung over your shoulder. You noticed him and smiled.

"Phantomhive, we're going to start our investigation. If you'd like to tag along, you're more than welcome to." You said as you pulled your coat on.

Ciel walked up to you.

"We would love to, wouldn't we, Sebastian?"

Sebastian bowed in your direction.

"Of course, my Lord."

"You're too polite." You commented, making Sebastian stare at you with a confused look, "Is Ciel that demanding? Goodness."

"Hey!" Ciel shouted, causing you to turn towards him, a smirk on your face, "What I do regarding my servants is none of your business."

"Oh, lighten up Chihuahua." You laughed as you opened the doors to your manor, "Are you coming or not?"

Ciel folded his arms and tapped his foot on the ground.

"Of course I am. We won't get anywhere in the investigation with just you working it." He unfolded his arms and walked out of your manor, leaving Sebastian to follow quickly after, but not before giving you a questionable, mischievous glance.

"Are you sure that this is a good idea?" Jeremy voiced from behind you as you watched Ciel, aided by Sebastian, climb into his carriage.

You grinned at Jeremy.

"Of course it is. Although I know more about him than he does me, I think that this is a good opportunity to learn more, don't you think?"

Jeremy held out his hand to you as you walked down the steps of your manor. You gladly accepted, not wanting to trip.

"You have a good point." Jeremy said, a smirk developing on his face.

"I know." You commented. Once you landed on solid ground you quickly ran up to Sebastian in the driver's position.

"Is it okay if I ride with you guys? I'll have Jeremy keep you company~."

Sebastian smiled at you.

"Of course, my dear lady."

"Please. Just call me (Y/n)."

You climbed into the carriage after Jeremy sat himself next to Sebastian.

"W-What are you doing?" Ciel asked as you sat down on the opposite side of him.

"Well, I figured that since we're doing a case together, we might as well have the same form of transportation." You commented, looking out of the window and admiring the beautiful day.

Ciel huffed.

"Whatever." He lifted up his scepter and hit the roof of the carriage twice, causing the carriage to jolt forward and head towards the city.

"... What's your story?"

You tore your head away from the window and glared at him suspiciously.

"And why would you want to know that?"

Ciel, feeling a little more confident, tapped the seat next to him. Reluctantly, you got up and headed over towards him. Unfortunately for you, as you got up, the carriage hit a bump causing you to fall forward. You shut your eyes, expecting to feel your body land against the carriage floor, but the only thing you felt was two hands wrapped around your waist.

You opened your eyes and found that Ciel was looking down at you with his arms wrapped around your waist, holding you up.

'Well, this has escalated quickly.' Ciel thought, causing several beads of sweat to form on his forehead.

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