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'What was that all about?' Was all you could think as you made your way closer to your beginning place at the carriage. That boy, Alois, first bumped into you, causing you to fall down onto the ground without so much as batting an eyelash. Then, he insulted you, but of course, you returned the favor. Alois then charged at you and held you against the wall, not allowing you to breathe. But when you explained your reasoning for your laughter, he let you go, told you that he liked you, and said you'd be seeing more of him?! He gave you a weird vibe, but you pushed it aside for the time being.

Your thoughts immediately went back to Ciel and your previous conversation with him... Okay, it wasn't really a conversation, but it was more of an... argument. You sighed and shook your head in disapproval of yourself.

'I need to apologize when I get back.'

And that was the only thing that your thoughts consisted of as you walked towards your destination.


"Well, did any of you find anything?" Ciel asked, looking a little impatient as you all gathered in front of the carriage on the sidewalk.

Jeremy bowed politely and frowned.

"I was not able to find much."

Sebastian smirked and pulled out a piece of paper.

"I found a list of suspects in the immediate area and eliminated some based on their alibi's. I also interviewed all of them and narrowed down the list to one suspect." Sebastian's eye glimmered as he looked at Jeremy, who had a scowl on his face. Ciel took the piece of paper from Sebastian and scanned over it.

"Impressive." You commented, looking up at Jeremy with a smirk. He returned your gaze with a glare.

"Thank you, (Y/n)." Sebastian commented.

"Well," Ciel began, putting the list in his pocket, "Let's go back to my manor and celebrate for a bit. (Y/n), are you okay with that?"

You straightened up, still feeling a bit awkward from your recent confrontation and the fact that he addressed you so plainly as if forgetting what had happened while sitting inside the carriage together.


'I stuttered! Oh God, this can't be happening. First I yell at him and now this?! I might as well just go into a corner and never let the public eye see me ever again.'

Ciel watched your inner torment without your notice and grinned a little at you, seeing as you just embarrassed yourself. Then, Ciel came up with an idea. An idea that would probably make you upset. But hey, you owed him for yelling at him. And in all reality...

He really just wanted to mess with you.

"Let's get a move on, shall we?" Ciel asked, trying to hide his smirk. You quickly looked at him, a blush on your face, and climbed into the carriage before he could say anything concerning your behavior. He followed after, leaving the two butlers to stare at each other for a couple of seconds before climbing into the driver's seat.

Inside the carriage, you were in absolute shambles. On one hand, you really wanted to apologize to Ciel. But you felt as if he was already trying to get back at you, and you didn't want to seem weak to him either with constant apologies. And again, you were still slightly mad at Ciel, knowing that he had something planned in that head of his. Frankly, you wanted no part in it. Ciel tapped the roof of the carriage twice with his cane, causing the carriage to jolt forward once again and head back towards the Phantomhive Manor.

"What's wrong, miss (Y/n)? You seemed to be a bit flushed." Ciel mocked, causing you to turn your head to the side.

"I-It's nothing." You replied. Your stuttering didn't help your goal in proving yourself innocent, causing your face to go to a deeper shade of the warm color that was already present on your cheeks.

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