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"A ball?" You questioned, taking the envelope from your butler.

"Yes. It is set to be held at the Viscount's manor." The butler slightly bowed in respect with a smile on his face, highlighting his blue eyes.

"How can you be smiling at the mention of that idiot's name?" You asked him, agitated. Jeremy chuckled, rising from his position.

"My lady, I am not laughing because of Druitt. There is also another noble attending on request of the Queen."

You looked up at him with a curious gaze, pushing away several strands of your own (h/c) hair.

"Who is it?" You asked, raising your eyebrow at him with interest.

"Now, now. Telling you would ruin all of the fun." He said, an excited grin plastered onto his face. You groaned and sent him a scowl, leaning back into her chair with your arms folded.

"You know that I don't like surprises."

"Oh, but I think you'll enjoy this one." He laughed.

"...I suppose that I can trust your fairly accurate judgment." You commented, skimming over the invitation that the Queen had sent you. In the letter, it did mention another 'contact' of hers that was going to be there, but it didn't specify.

"Don't tell me that Ash is the nobleman you're speaking of."

Jeremy's smile faded into a frown.

"Of course not, my lady. I would not find that funny at all."

"Somehow, I doubt it. Nina!"

A few moments passed until a young, pink-haired girl came into the room. Her eyes were a piercing blue, and she was fairly short, only adding to her adorable nature. She quickly bowed.

"Yes, my lady?"

"Please pick out one of my best ballroom dresses. I will be in my room shortly." She bowed hastily again, her grin beaming from ear to ear.

"Of course, mistress." She said quietly as she walked back out of the room, shutting the door behind her.

"How's lunch going?" You asked Jeremy, looking down at your piles of paperwork.

"It is going splendidly. Would you like me to bring up a sample?" He asked, straightening out his suit.

"No. But, thank you for the offer." You commented, writing down a couple pieces of information onto a piece of your paperwork, "And will you have Jin begin his cleaning duties? I haven't seen him all day. He's probably in the library."

Jeremy bowed.

"Of course. Anything else?"

"No, that will be all for now. I will call you if I need you."


"What do you want?" asked Jeremy, barely noticing his presence.

"Mistress would like for you to begin your cleaning duties, seeing as you've been in here all day." Jeremy said.

"Ugh. Can't you do it?" He asked, not looking away from the novel in his hands.

Jeremy huffed at his question.

"Unless you want to be yelled at by the young lady, I would recommend that you start doing what is asked of you."

Jin looked up at Jeremy and closed the novel in a very agitated manner. Seeing that he had decided to begin his chores, Jeremy flashed him a large smile.

"Beautiful." Jeremy turned away from Jin and walked out of the library doors, proud of himself for the threat that he used. Although his mistress was only a teen, your yelling could pierce any demon's ears.


"Today, we are having an American favorite for lunch! Your meal features gravy, mashed potatoes, meatloaf made with onions and *secret* spices, with a side of two buttermilk biscuits." Jonny stood in the corner of the room, waiting for his master's approval as Jeremy laid the meal down for you.

"Hmm. Interesting." You picked up the fork placed next to you and slowly cut a piece off a piece of meatloaf. Once you did so, you put the fork into your mouth and picked the meatloaf off of it with your teeth.

You turned over to your cook, a neutral gaze on your face. Jonny, not expecting you to look at him, immediately became nervous.

'Oh no... Does she not like it? Why is she staring at me? This is bad... She's gonna be so disappointed in me! I'll have to go back out into the wilderness, or she'll send Jeremy after me and make him kill me... Oh God! I'm so dead! So dead-'

"Hey Jonny?" You said, making him flinch. As he cowered, you gave him a rare smile.

"It's really good."

He breathed out a sigh of relief as you scarfed down the rest of it eagerly.

"T-Thank you, mistress." He said, still shaking in the corner.

"Will you please get my pet for me?" You asked, looking at Jeremy from out of the corner of your eye and abandoning your delicious meal for the moment.

You could visibly see Jeremy tense up. He wasn't a very big fan of snakes himself, but seeing as that it was your title, it only made sense to keep one in the house. He huffed, quickly bowing before he left and quickly returned with the said animal.

"What a beautiful creature." You commented, allowing the snake to crawl up your arm and sit behind your neck. It coiled its body back, signaling its agitation. Jeremy stepped back, seeing as the viper was looking directly at him.

"Seems that someone isn't in such a good mood today." You mentioned as you held out your arm, inviting the snake to continue its journey around your body. It wrapped itself around your arm, laying its head in the palm of your hand.

"Aww. You were just uncomfortable." You said, beginning to understand its reasoning. You then moved your arm to connect with Jeremy's. He reluctantly stuck it out, once again inviting the viper to crawl on himself, which he didn't want, "Such misunderstood creatures..." You trailed off before picking up your cup of tea.

"Let it roam for a while. Make sure no one harms it." You commented, taking a sip of the tea that Jonny had set out for her a couple of moments ago, "Hmm. Earl Grey."


"Mistress, the carriage is ready." Nina said, interrupting the application of your makeup. You had put on a little more than usual, making sure that you were noticeable for the Viscount. Your dress was laying on your bed, freshly pressed. It was a royal blue colored dress, outlined on the chest and bottom with thick, black lace. Underneath the material on the chest was a black bow, almost hidden to the naked eye. It had several ruffles, giving it a slimming look.

"Wonderful. Please, help me dress." Nina quickly nodded and helped you put on the ball gown. Nina patted down certain parts of the dress, making sure that it looked perfect. After a few swipes of her hand, she gave you a quick nod of approval. You walked over to a long mirror, admiring your own form.

"Thank you."

"Please mistress, you don't have to honor me like that." She said, blushing as you gave her a smile through the mirror.

"You know what I think of that kind of thing, Nina." You said, smirking at her. She bowed.

"Of course."

You took a spin in your dress before turning towards Nina.

"Now, let's go."

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