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Several days had passed since your severe punishment and the man has called you into his room several more times after that. Now, he began to slowly defile your body. He never got too far, but it was to the point that you feared for yourself when you were drug in there, seeing as he was getting agitated by your resistance.

You were asleep in your cell when the old man's aide opened the door, causing you to suddenly wake up out of habit. You rubbed your eyes, trying to wake yourself up fully while pushing the tears away that you still had coated on your cheeks.

"C'mon." The young man demanded, "Let's go."

You got up and walked out of the cell, brushing past him. In all honesty, he seemed to be a little concerned about your situation, but he obviously wouldn't lift a finger in your defense. He was in fear of being targeted himself, and you didn't necessarily blame him. You had heard that he also had a fetish for young boys, but you hadn't seen any males around. Although, it was entirely possible.

You walked into the man's quarters to see him in his usual robe, covering minimal parts of his large body.
"How are you doing today, (Y/n)?" He asked, licking his lips. You crossed your arms.

"I'm ready to leave this room and go back to my cell." You bluntly stated, causing the old man's features to cloud over with a familiar emotion that he showed quite often around you.

"How feisty you are today." He grabbed you by your wrist and sat you down on his lap. You shivered, feeling his suspiciously drunken touch run across your body.


"Yes, (Y/n)?" He said, continuing to allow his fingers to glide over your delicate skin.

"Did you have a few glasses?" You asked carefully, not wanting to awaken the angry drunk within him.

"You know me too well, don't you (Y/n)?" The man kept his hands on your body at all times, never allowing you to have an opportunity to move away from him. You shifted uncomfortably in his lap, feeling your anger bubble up underneath the room's silence.

His annoyingly drunken breath puffed in her ear and she could smell the revolting sense of the alcohol on his breath. Your body was scratched, bruised, and broken from him and you could feel your mind slowly give up. What was the point to fight him? What could you do to stop him?

The rage entering your body spoke other words. Words like: "He has no right to do this." was an extremely popular mantra. The saying kept repeating in your head, and while the momentary silence was encouraging as he attempted to use your body, you had enough.

Without truly thinking, you spun around and slapped him hard in the face, causing him to stop his action. You held your stance, until the realization of what you did fully processed. The Earl cupped his cheek, as the realization hit him as well.

"Earl I am so-"

He threw you off of his lap, causing you to roughing collide with the floor. He got up off of his chair, causing his robe to fall, leaving him in only his undergarments. He walked over to you and grabbed you by the chin roughly, making you look up at him.

"I will do whatever I see fit when it comes to you or your body. You have disrespected me, so as of tomorrow is when I will have your life meet a horrible end."

You stared at him, not fully understanding what he meant.

"What do you mean?" You said, still dazed from the fall.

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