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~Warning: Blood/Violence/Gore~

"We know you're in there! Come on out!" Ciel yelled at the closed door, a hand on his gun holster as he waited for the door to open upon his command.

Thoughts were swirling around in his head, causing him to be quite dizzy at some points as he was standing.

Was this really the path that he wanted to go down? Did he really want to, once again, tear his family apart? This was a risky mission, not only because of the severity of the crime, but because of the person who had caused it. Was there any way that he could really be prepared for what was behind the entrance of the home before him?

The door slowly creaked open, yet, unfortunately, it revealed nothing. The house seemed to be empty, but both Ciel and Sebastian knew better than that, so they took a couple of steps into the darkened house.

Soon after, they began to search the area, Ciel noticed that his boots were starting to feel a little sticky - like he had stepped in something. Though, because of the area's darkness, he couldn't inspect his shoes even if he tried—unless he returned to the outside, which truly was not ideal. He couldn't do that. He was neck deep in whatever this was, and he was prepared for what the consequences were.

The both of them continued searching, but found nothing of importance. That is, until Sebastian said something.

"My Lord, watch your step." He suggested, picking up his young master. Ciel glared up at him, but all he could make out in the darkness was the butler's unnaturally red eyes.

"Why did you pick me up? I'm perfectly capable of-"

"Blood." Was all Sebastian said. Ciel huffed out in annoyance, "You got it all over your shoes."

"I'm sure that this was one of the murder scenes for this... criminal, but I don't think they're here. What kind of an idiot—"

Sebastian gently laid a finger on his master's lips, signalling his cooperative silence. Ciel noticed as they walked, that his eyes were flashing pink ever so often. Ciel kept his mouth shut as they walked out of the building, Sebastian tenseness growing with every step.

"Those damn Reapers..." Sebastian cursed. Suddenly, he was interrupted.

"Grell! You need to clean up the mess! How many times have I told you that the scene has to be spotless?!" A feminine voice shouted, causing Ciel's body to sink into Sebastian's hold.

He had told himself that he was ready - that he only wanted the suspect to be caught; for all of this to just disappear as they led her off to jail, but Ciel was suddenly realizing that it was not at all that easy. In fact, as the voice got louder, Ciel became panicked. He couldn't do it. He couldn't look at her face as she was arrested. What if she resisted? What was he supposed to do then? There was no way that he could chase after her. He didn't want this anymore.

"Master," Sebastian said in a hushed voice, "You know that I am forever loyal to you, and I will do anything that you say, but I would suggest that you follow through. This is more than you. These women lost their lives for no reason. It would be pointless to show your face to her otherwise."

Ciel gulped at his words. He was right.

He was always right.

"I'm doing this." Ciel announced, and shortly after was put down on the ground, his boots still sticking to the concrete floor of the building. This still wasn't easy, but what other choice did he have?, "She doesn't matter anymore."

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