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You quickly sat up, not expecting Ciel to willingly open up to you. He chuckled.

"Come here." He sat up as well, and gestured for you to come closer to him. Hesitantly, you did as he wanted. He grabbed you by your waist and quickly hoisted you up, causing you to let out a cute yelp, but he finished his job by sitting you down on his lap.

"P-Phantomhive, what are you doing?!" You shouted, thrashing a little, making Ciel wrap his arms around your waist in order to keep you from escaping. A blush crept up on your face as you realized your situation.

"Shhh.." Ciel hushed you, putting a finger to your lips.

But his action was wasted, as you continued to struggle.

"Please." He said, suddenly sounding sorrowful. You stopped and looked at him from over your shoulder and was met with a small smile. You slowly relaxed against him, leaning your body on his chest as he held you.

"That's much better." He praised, causing you to roll your eyes.


Ciel went through his past, telling you about Elizabeth, his parents and their eventual, horrific death. He explained the fire, Sebastian and the contract that they made. Now, the name of his butler made you extremely uncomfortable, but you decided not to bring it up.
After he told his story, a lot of things started making sense to you. He had always been so cold - ruthless was how he described it. You felt an immense amount of sorrow for him and what he had to go through, as you knew the pain first hand.

"One day, I hope to know your story." He commented, causing all of your original thoughts to fade.

"... Why do you want to know?" You asked, fiddling with your thumbs as he continued to hold you in his arms.

Though, you weren't as stressed about it anymore. In fact, it felt almost comforting to be there with him.

"I don't know." He replied truthfully with a distant smile on his face. He really didn't understand why he was acting the way that he was - smiling all of the time, taking time out of his precious schedule to be around you - it didn't make much sense to him, but it was a nice change, at least he thought in the moment. He actually enjoyed the time that he spent with you. Every smile he was able to witness, the witty way that you talked, your embarrassment when he flirted with you - all of it was bliss. He had never felt this way, and he was happy that he was.

Though there was a small and still voice in his head that sometimes planted thoughts in his head. Things that made him anxious and nervous for the future.

What would happen to him if he had no hate and was only enveloped in love?

It was a question that he didn't quite know how to answer, and it slightly terrified him to think about it. But he had always been able to push it to the back of his mind and ignore it for a while until it was brought up again by his curious mind.

You scoffed at his answer, drawing him out of his thoughts.

"Well, Phantomhive." You got up out of his lap, as his grip had loosened, "Until you can figure out your reasoning, I'm not saying anything."

He smirked at your tough demeanor.

"I suppose that's fair." He said, grunting as he got up.

"Don't hurt yourself old man." You insulted, causing a frown to grace his face. If you had to be honest, you liked seeing his frown. Not because you wanted him to be upset, but it was just his trademark, smile's were usually pushing it. Especially sincere ones. It felt a little weird.

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