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Ciel was now stomping furiously through the alleyways, trying to catch sight of you.

He was mentally screaming at himself for getting sidetracked, knowing that you were easy pickings for any strange person that you encountered.

'If I don't don't find her, Jeremy's going kill me.'

His thought was interrupted when a bloodcurdling scream rang through the air. His blood ran cold and he stopped walking. His face turned white at the noise and he unfortunately knew immediately who the originator of that voice was.

"(Y/n)!" He yelled out in return. He began to run towards your urgent call, his mind immediately searching for the best possible action, "Sebastian! I need you and Jeremy, now!"

A pair of arms quickly scooped up Ciel from behind and began running at a faster speed than the boy was.

Curses could be heard from behind him, signalling Jeremy's presence.

"My Lord, what seems to be the matter?" Sebastian asked, inspecting his master as he ran, "You look like you're ill."

"And where's (Y/n)?" Jeremy questioned, making Ciel freeze up.

"She.. I lost her. I don't know where she is, but I heard her scream—"

"So she's in trouble?! That girl.. She promised me!" Jeremy yelled, seething as he ran alongside Ciel and his butler.

Ciel looked over at the furious figure keeping up with them. He gulped, noticing his eyes flashing pink.

"...Well, I heard her scream come from over here—"

"You don't have to worry about her location." Jeremy announced. Sebastian's nose crunched up as he sniffed the air, causing them both to say,

"I can smell her."

Ciel narrowed his eye at his aide, but soon pushed it out of his mind. He couldn't get sidetracked now. You were more important than his trivial thoughts—at least for now.

"There's a shop up there. Maybe they know something about what happened." Ciel suggested, pointing to a dimly lit store, dolls lined up at the window. Sebastian nodded and slowed down his pace, quickly approaching the door.

Sebastian let Ciel down, allowing the boy to examine the shop more closely.

There were an uncomfortable amount of dolls that were featured in the store. Sure, normally there would have been some examples, but never this many from what he thought. There was a doll in the window that was placed near the door that looked oddly familiar to the Earl. (H/c) hair framed the shape of the doll with its unique hairstyle, accompanied with a pair of dull, yet contrasted (e/c) eyes.

The dress that fitted the doll was absolutely stunning, colored in dark green and black - colors that he often favored as an Earl of nobility. After examining the doll more—and a bit more closely—he could feel his heart beat rise into his throat as he spotted the similarities. He looked over at the entrance to see if the store was still open, and indeed, it was. He took another look at the doll and cursed under his breath before walking through the door, the two butlers following quickly after him.

He knew who that doll was based off of.


"Ah, the girl." The man said. Before, introducing himself as Drocell. Ciel pointed at the doll that he saw in the window display, his eye beginning to twitch at the store owner's uncooperative nature.

"What girl?! Tell me, who is that doll based off of!?" He yelled, getting impatient. Drocell chuckled at the boy's behavior.

"Quite beautiful, is it not?" He asked, seemingly a rhetorical question. He walked over to the doll in the display and gently picked it up, admiring it as he turned it from side to side. This action made the young Earl nervous, causing him to move forward, preparing to snatch the doll away, but a hand stopped him as it rested on his shoulder.

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