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'I'm in the what..?'

Trancy Manor. That was a name that you had heard before, but from where?

You decided that it would probably be the best to ask your questions once you go meet with Alois, but there was another question that you had that you couldn't get out of your head, and it was 'why?'. Why were you here? What had happened while you were sleeping?

Deciding to not listen to the butler, you stepped out of your room with the previous night's clothing on. You hair was a tangled mess, and some of your make up was smeared from your night's sleep. You flung the door shut as you stomped down the hallway, wondering how you even got here in the first place. As you were scanning the area for anyone who would just so happen to be walking by, you turned the corner, meeting face to face with a pair of lightning ice blue eyes that you had come to know so well.

"Jeremy.." You whispered out, causing the male to stop in his tracks, "What am I doing here."

He looked a little surprised to see that you were awake, but quickly smiled down at you.

"Well mistress, I was just about to-"

"Jeremy!" A young cheery voice sang, though you immediately recognized it as the Trancy himself. You groaned internally, but decided to keep your mouth shut for the time being.

Alois rounded the corner of the stairs nearby that led to the first floor and locked eyes with the two of you. He clapped his hands together, as if approving of the situation.

"Oh what a joyous moment! I'm so glad that you've both talked. It saves my breath." He commented, swaying proudly with a smile on his face, "Now then, (Y/n), since we've gotten that over with, why don't we go to the garden?"

He grabbed your wrist and pulled you along with him to where he came from: The first floor.

"W-Wait! Alois! Jeremy!"


Despite, your struggling, Alois managed to drag you down to the garden. Once you reached the outdoor part of his mansion, you stopped struggling, as you were in complete awe of the scenery. He seemed to have a giant chess board in his backyard.

'TWhat is that for? The pawns are the size of a tree! What is going on here?!'

"Beautiful, isn't it?" He asked. He let go of your wrist and stood beside you, proud of the fact that he managed to impress you.

"What is this for?" You asked curiosity taking over.

He looked down at you, admiring your anticipating face as you stared at the environment around you.

"It's a secret." He teased.

You huffed out in disappointment.

"Well, fine then." You said, blowing a piece of hair out of your face, only for it to land in the same place that it originally was before.

"Would you care for a game of chess?"

Your heart stopped at the name. Ciel had previously beaten you several times at the game, and you really wished that you wouldn't have to endure it again.

"Well, uh. Alois, see, the thing is, umm... Well.. I'm n-not very good at chess." You spilled.

"Oh, I can teach you. C'mon!" His hand found his way back to your wrist and firmly grasped it, pulling you forward towards what seemed to be an outdoor furniture set with an umbrella on top of it.

"Sit! We're going to work on your strategy." He demanded, calling Claude over for him to grab his chess table.

You looked up towards the manor to see Jeremy looking out the window with a smirk.

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