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"You weren't lying when you said that you were good at memory." Ciel commented as he watched you beat him for the fourth time in a row.

"We all have our strengths and weaknesses, Phantomhive." You countered, taking the last matching pair from the table, giving you an outstanding victory above him.


He wasn't just talking about the games that you all have played, or the situations that you, or he, has been placed in. No, he was speaking of you. You were a weakness to him. When you had suddenly left his manor, he didn't know what to do. He sent all of his servants to look for you - high and low, across town and back, but he couldn't manage to find you. He was relieved that he didn't find you dead, but he was still very much panicked. He spent the majority of his day in his study, wondering where you were. In hopes that you would soon return to your own home, he demanded Sebastian to deliver a letter to you.


Where are you? Why did you leave my manor, at least without telling me?! God, you're making me sick to my stomach. If you don't reply back to me within the next 24 hours, I'm going to get the Scotland Yard involved.
This letter is just a hope that you're still alive, and that everything that I'm pondering might just be a slight misunderstanding. Please, get back to me as quickly as possible.

I need to see you.

I need to know that you're okay.


Your Phantomhive

He never meant to sound so desperate, but it was something that he couldn't control at the time. A few hours later, Jeremy came to his manor and without a word, but handed him a letter. Ciel had quickly tore it open to find your message inside. He let out the painful breath that he had been holding in, and clutched onto the letter.

Though, he was curious as to why you seemed so distant in your letter, but his relief clouded his judgement.

A lighting bolt struck from outside the mansion, causing a bright light to illuminate your delicate face. He truly did not know what to think about you. You were such a mystery at times, but he enjoyed the unknown. Yes, ever since he met Sebastian, he lived for the things that would jump out of the darkness and surprise him, and you never ceased to.

You were a viper - something that Ciel didn't know how to prepare for.

He never knew which emotions of yours were true, seeing as you switched between moods so evenly. He tried, but he just couldn't figure it out.

"How about another game, Ciel?" You asked, causing the boy to quickly push his thoughts away.

"Actually, I have a question." He countered. You head tilted, as you were slightly confused.


"You said in your reply to my letter that you had an 'urgent meeting' that you had to attend... Who was it with?"

The color drained from your (s/c) face at mention of your seemingly well-preserved secret. He couldn't know that you were with Alois. Then you would have to ask a question that you didn't want an answer to.

"I would rather not speak of my contacts, thank you very much." You said defensively.

Ciel raised an eyebrow.

"Why? If you had asked me the same question, I would be more than happy to come 'clean'." He assured.

"You and I are different people, Phantomhive. My moral are not like yours." You reached out to be rid of all of the cards on his desk, but before you could, he swiftly grabbed your hand to stop you. Another lightning bolt struck as Ciel stood up out of his chair and leaned forward, putting his face dangerously close to yours.

"... What are you hiding from me?" He said in a sorrowful voice. It sounded so meek that you couldn't say anything in response, knowing that the boy was truthful in his sincerity.

So, in response, you pulled your hand back hard enough to catch him off guard, causing his grip to falter. You got up out of your chair, producing a loud squeaking noise as it moved against the floor.

"I did not come here to be interrogated." You said, pointing a finger at him, "You have no idea what's happening in my life right now, so stay out of it. You assume too much."

You turned around and headed towards the door of his study, planning to exit. You had a hand on the knob of his door, but before you could open in, in one swift motion, Ciel quickly took your hand off of the door and pushed you against the wall next to it. At this position, you had basically no ability of grabbing the door from where you were.

"I want to know what's happening in your life, (Y/n). You're such... a strange person. I just can't seem to figure it out. What is it about you that I just can't see? You're hiding a lot of things from me, I know that. And I'm fine with it, unless it hurts you." He spilled, his breath slightly jarred.

You looked up at him, speechless. There were no words to reply to his madness. You had read his letter too, but you thought that maybe it was just because you were gone for a while, but you never knew that he felt... like this.

You had enveloped his thoughts during each and every second of staring at his face, and it was killing him. It was killing him because he couldn't be with you to make up the times that he thought about you. Every sleeping and waking moment was always filled with your joyous smile.

"Ciel... I can't say. Just.. give me some time to think about everything that's going on."

The boy took a deep breath in and out, trying to calm himself. He wasn't angry, he was just a little frustrated. He combed a hand through his hair and pushed himself off of the wall, giving you the space that you desired in the moment.

"... I'll be going to my quarters." He said sorrowfully as he walked out of the room.

You exhaled and out your hand over your chest, trying to calm your beating heart.

'He can't know... I won't let him know. I need to do some investigating while I'm here. The more I upset him, the less likely he is to tell me something important. I need to know how about the suspect. I need to know if my brother is alive. I'm sorry, Ciel, but I can't lose him. Not again.'

"Wait, Ciel!" You shouted, hoping to catch him before he retired for the day. You ran out of the room and noticed Ciel with his hand grasped onto the doorknob that led to his room. He looked up at you, confused.

You ran up to him and gave him a hug - something that you were not known for. Your arms wrapped around his neck, surprising the noble for a quick second, but he soon returned your embrace.

"I-I want to stay here." You said, looking up at the boy with 'hopeful' eyes, "Is that okay?"

"... Why?" He asked, causing you to fumble for words.

"I.. Uh, I just... Umm..."

"We haven't spent enough time to get to know one another." Jeremy commented from behind you, "As the Queen's trustworthy contact, we like to form close relationships with those we socialize with."

Ciel grinned and looked down at you.

"If that's what you'd like, Ms. (Y/n)."

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