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"Thank you for making such an amazing meal. I know it was late notice.." You trailed off, rubbing the back of your neck in embarrassment.

"Awe. My lady, it's nothing. After all, what kind of a servant would I be if I couldn't prepare a simple meal for my mistress?" Jonny said with a wink. You shot a smile at him as Jeremy laid out the food onto the dining room table.
"Mistress," Nina came up to you and bowed, "Phantomhive has arrived."

"Please, be sure to let them in." You commanded, Nina bowed and returned to the front door, preparing to open it.
"Jeremy," He looked over at you, curious as to your sudden request, "Try to be playful."

Jeremy smirked.

"Of course."

The doors soon opened, causing you to sit up out of your chair with a cane in your right hand, as to help you stand since your... incident. You put on your best smile, after all, smiles always seemed suited you, especially in your favorite

In walked the one and only Ciel Phantomhive. He was scoping out your dining room interior, fairly impressed by its size and cleanliness. Sebastian also came in, trailing shortly behind his master. He made eye contact with Jeremy and shot him a menacing smile. Jeremy frowned, but kept his composure. Sebastian then turned his attention to the young girl greeting his master. She was holding a cane, but why?

Aside from that, he picked up on an intoxicating smell. It definitely wasn't his master's and it wasn't the food...

He walked closer to his master. Not to be by his side, but to get closer to you. He took in a deeper whiff of the scent and it had gotten stronger. When he looked at you again, he could see an aura practically radiating off of you. He licked his lips, knowing that you were the source of the flavor.

"I will be right back, my lady. I have several things to discuss with Sebastian." Jeremy quickly interrupted. You waved him off, telling him that he could go and talk in private. Jeremy roughly took Sebastian's arm and led him further into the manor.

'Interesting...' You thought to yourself.

"Lady (Y/n)." Ciel said, getting your attention diverted away from the butlers.

"Please, just call me by my first name." You simply smiled.

"Why do you have a cane?"

His question made you freeze as several thoughts went through your head - the majority of them being quick flashbacks from your dream.

"Sweetie, come here."

"I-I don't know sweetheart. Please, we have to go."

"But where's Jeremy?"


"(Y/n), run."

"Where are you?! Mom?"


You panted slightly, grasping onto your cane.

'No. No, you've got this. Just relax... Breathe...'

You slowly collected yourself and the grip on your cane loosened. You stood up straighter and flashed a scowl.

"I appreciate the concern, but I would rather not speak of it." You said, allowing your tone to show through, presenting your agitation.

"Of course," Ciel said with a confused look on his face, "I apologize for being so intrusive."

"Earl, how about we get right to business? Let's go to my library and play a game of chess. I'm assuming that your butler will be able to find his way since Jeremy is with him."

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