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"Jeremy! Where are you going?!" Your mother yelled, causing you to go to your bedroom door and look through the tiny opening you had without alerting everyone standing in the kitchen.

The boy in question was now above eye level with his mother. He walked up to her in a very intimidating manner, causing her to step back up against the counter top.

"Mom. You know that I love you, but you need to tell this guy that he needs to leave. He's not good for you or (Y/n)." He spat.

"Jeremy, I can't support you and (Y/n). Her father is the only one that can make a profit for us in the slightest."

"Mom..." He grabbed her by the shoulders and talked quietly to her, "I overheard him talking to someone... He was talking about—"

Jeremy released one of his hands from his mother to put it against his eyes. A couple of tears streamed down his face, regardless of the hands that tried to hold them in.

"... He wants to put her into prostitution, mom."

"What does that mean?" You asked, now showing yourself as you slowly walked out of your room. The two looked down at you and Jeremy smiled gently.

"It's nothing for you to worry about, kiddo. Now, go back to sleep-"

"She's not an idiot, Jeremy. She heard everything." Your mother cried, "And I don't appreciate you accusing my husband of such a thing! Unless you have undeniable proof of this, I don't want to hear anything about it!"
She stomped her way to the front door and went outside, slamming the door behind her, causing Jeremy to flinch.

"Is she okay?" You asked your brother, still looking at the closed door that your mother disappeared through. Jeremy sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Yeah, she'll be fine."

"I didn't ask you if she would be fine, I asked you if she is fine."

Your older brother reached down and ruffled your hair.

"You were always too smart for your own good." He said, smiling weakly at you.


"Now, my mistress, let's go." The snake that had bitten your neck from before had suddenly taken a transformation into a human, featuring blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. He was dressed in very professional servant attire; he reached out for your hand.

"... What's your name?" You asked him. He chuckled lightly, retracting his hand back for the time being.

"I do not have a name, miss. Do you wish to give me one?"

"Can I call you Jeremy?" You asked him. He looked deep into your eyes with his.

"May I ask why?" He commented. You looked down at the floor, nervously tapping your feet on the cold, hard concrete.

"... That's my brother's name."

"That still does not explain why. Since he has that name—"

"He's dead. Along with the rest of my family. His name is only a memory now, but you having his name will fix that." You interrupted, causing a small smirk to creep onto your new butler's face.

"As you wish, young mistress."


You continued giving Alois a skeptical look.

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