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"Jeremy!" You shouted, appearing out of his quarters with his hung up onesie that you gifted him.

"You haven't worn this, have you?!" You asked aggressively, in return getting a shrug from the demon.

"You never ordered for me to, so of course not." He said truthfully as he walked back down the stairs. You smirked.

"Hey Jeremy~" You sang, causing the butler to stop and look back at you. You held up the onesie and shook it, wanting to mock him for giving you the idea. At this realization, his eyes became a bit wider.

"W-Wait. I didn't mean-"

"I order you to wear this." You commanded.

"Is this really necessary?" He asked, pouting. You gave him a fake smile.

"Well of course it is! You wouldn't want to disappoint your mistress! That's definitely not something that a butler should be okay with doing..." He sighed and snatched the clothing from you and walked back into his quarters, roughly slamming the door behind him, making you laugh.

It has been three days since you arrived back home from the Trancy Estate. You hadn't made contact with either boys; you were glad to have a break from their questionable behaviors and just relax.

Although this was mostly the case, you still had Jeremy look out for the "Jack the Ripper" case. You knew that it couldn't be your brother; he had died in the fire along with the rest of your family.


"What is wrong with you?!" Your brother yelled at your father, causing you to run into your room and shut the door behind you. When your brother became angry, it was almost deadly. Even though you practically barricaded yourself in your room, you could still clearly hear the conversation in the living room.

"You stupid boy.. You have no reason to get into my business!" Your father yelled, earning a scoff from Jeremy.

"Are you kidding me? That's my sister!" He shouted, shaking the walls of the house.

"I'm doing this for the family! We can't survive without selling her!" The man commented, sending your brother into a frenzy.

"Don't you ever talk about my sister that way." He seethed, making the old man chuckle. The man put his hand gently on (Y/n)'s mothers' shoulder.

"C'mon, sweetie. We're getting (Y/n) and leaving this joke of a son to rot."

Your father started to walk past Jeremy, but Jeremy acted fast. He grabbed a nearby lamp and hit his stepfather on the head as hard as he could. The hit wasn't enough to knock him out, but it disoriented him enough for Jeremy to push him into the fireplace with no problem. The man screamed and jumped out of the fire, trying to put out the flames. But, in doing so, he caught bits of the house on fire. They didn't start out bad at first, but after your mother tried to put them out, they became worse. Jeremy, in his anger, grabbed a hold of his stepfather and threw him in the fire again, but this time, he stood in front of his burning body, making sure that he didn't get back up.

"That's for trying to hurt my sister."


You sighed, the fun of the day quickly draining away. It was very hard to remember your past and continually pretend to be happy. You wished that you actually had true positivity in your life, but it just didn't seem to exist. Your house went up in flames, but you never knew what had happened to Jeremy after the fire. He either died, or he abandoned you: Both were very equally bad in your mind.

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