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You strolled back onto the ballroom floor, searching for the Viscount. You had promised him a dance. It was the only way to really get his attention. You'd probably have to... seduce... a tad, but as long as it didn't go too far, you'd be alright. Besides, you had Jeremy.

"Excuse me.." You felt a finger tap on your shoulder, causing you to turn around. You met oddly, red eyes. It shocked you for a moment, but after seeing his smile, you relaxed a little. He was wearing what seemed to be... A tutor's outfit... And his red eyes were scarcely covered by his thinly framed 'glasses'.

'Why exactly is there a teacher here...?'

He held out his hand to you.

"May I have this dance?"

You shyly smiled and put your hand in his.


He led you out onto the middle of the dance floor, and he began to dance to a technique you've never seen before. You bit your lip, trying to copy his movements, but it was to no avail.

'Damn it. Why can't I get these stupid moves down?!'

"My lady, it seems as if you're having a bit of trouble." The tall man commented, sending you into a blushing frenzy.

"W-Well I-"

"It's perfectly alright." He reassured, putting you a little more at ease, "My student has much more difficulty than you do, so I reckon that you're in pretty good shape. Stop stressing about it, and I'll lead you."

You let out the breath that you had been holding in and began to let the man before you lead. After a while, just like with Jeremy, you began to get the hang of it. Before you knew it, the music had stopped, causing you both to end your dance. The man bowed before you, making you smile. A sudden roar of applause and whistling erupted in the ballroom, causing you to finally look at your surroundings, as you had been way too focused on the dance.

Nobody else was dancing. Everyone else attending had formed a circle around the two of you. Everyone's face was smiling, or laughing, causing your blood pressure to rise.

'Too many people... Too many people... Why are they all looking at me? Oh Lord, why couldn't I have just gotten with the Viscount and gotten this over with...?'

Suddenly, the crowd before you disappeared. You didn't go into a new place, but the place was simply vacant. You panted heavily, not knowing what was going on. You grasped at your chest, trying to find something to take your mind off of this overwhelming uncertainty. You knelt onto the ground and stared at the floor, hoping by some miracle that this was just a dream and that you'd wake up in your room, but that didn't occur.

Just then, you heard a voice speak out. The same voice that saved you as a young child.

'(Y/n), breathe.'

You took a deep breath in, a little too deep, and began to have a coughing fit. As you tried to stop yourself, you felt a gentle hand wrap around your shoulders and pull you into an embrace.

'C'mon, you can do it.' Was all you heard. Eventually, you stabilized your breathing and wiped several tears from your eyes.

"It happened again..." You said weakly, leaning into Jeremy's embrace.

He smiled down at you.

"It's okay. It'll get better eventually." He rubbed your shoulder, helping you to relax.

"Sometimes, your powers scare me a little." You traced your fingers underneath your eyes to find faded colors of black left on your fingertips.

"Shit... I think I messed up my make-up..." Jeremy let out a hearty laugh, making you giggle as you wiped away anything that might've smeared.

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