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I talk with Spencer at the beginning of second period, since the math teacher isn't in the classroom yet. Dallon also hasn't arrived, so this would be the perfect time to gossip in the corner of the classroom.

"Yeah... Dallon barely talks with Ryan S and I, ever since he got with his new boyfriend." Spencer complains. "I don't know if there's anything we can do about it. Ryan Ross is too controlling."

I sigh. "I don't think there is anything we can do about it. Apparently, Dallon wants to fix what's happening by himself. He doesn't want our help."

"Why?" He asks.

I shrug. "I don't know. There's also things he isn't telling us. Ryan called me the other day to talk about Dallon, but they were fighting in the background of the call. They hung up and now I'm even more worried than before."

Spencer nods and we cease conversation as more students pour into the classroom. One of them being Dallon, who only makes eye contact with me for two seconds before reverting his eyes back to the ground and taking a seat far away from us.

"See?" I whisper to Spencer. "He's barely paying attention to me. Just like every year before this one."

"Actually, Brendon, there's nothing you can really do about that. This is school, not try to fix the love triangle from hell day. It's not like you can yell, 'give me your attention' across the classroom. We're meant to learn here." Spencer explains.

I roll my eyes and start doodling in my notebook.

The bell rings and the teacher begins the lesson. A few minutes pass, and before I realize it, I've been drawing hearts on my notes. For fuck's sake.

Spencer notices me freeze up, and looks over to my doodles. He bursts out in laughter.

"That's hilarious!! You have it so bad for him!" He laughs.

I feel the blood rush to my ears as other people start staring.

"Spencer... shut up." I whisper.

"Smith? Urie? Is there a reason you two are talking during my class?" The teacher questions.

We shake our heads and go back to taking notes. I can still feel people watching me despite the teacher calling us out. I look up to see a certain pair of blue eyes watching me. He flinches and continues to focus on his work, rather than on me. Huh.

"Hey." I whisper to Spencer.

He looks up in annoyance. "What?"

"How do I get Dallon to trust me enough to tell me what's going on?" I ask.

"Didn't he already tell you why he's with Ryan? I mean, Dallon's being pretty stupid about it, but I guess it's his choice." Spencer replies.

"He did, but there's something else he's not telling me, remember?" I say. I pause for a second to think, then I speak again. "Hey, does Dallon have any big secrets?"

He shakes his head. "Not that I can think of."

I groan. "How am I supposed to get him to ditch Ryan now?"

Spencer looks up in thought. "I guess... Hmm. Maybe you should write him a letter or something. I mean, you talked it out, but he might get some sense knocked into him if you wrote all your feelings down intricately." 

"Spencer, you're a genius!" I exclaim. "Maybe I can start to make it better! I can fix everything!"

Songs referenced:
Time To Dance -Panic! At The Disco
Hey Jude -The Beatles

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