Chapter 4

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I punch the address that Zoe gave me into Google Maps so that I would know where to go. Shockingly it is only a 6 minute walk from the school. I was expecting it to be a lot longer because I always see Zoe drive to school.

As I walk to the house, I feel my anxiety build up with whether or not this was the right thing to do. I don't want Connor to feel like I am invading his privacy.

To calm down, I start listing the different trees I see, but there isn't a whole lot of variety. I start going through the plan in my head, but before I know it, I find myself at the front steps of the Murphy's house.

I wasn't expecting a mansion, but seeing their house makes me feel a bit intimidated.

I take a deep breath and ring the doorbell. I hear footsteps come up some stairs and look out through the glass of the window to see who it is.

"Hello, sorry we weren't expecting visitors," Mrs.Murphy says in her pajamas.
"I'm really sorry I don't want to intrude or anything.. my name is Evan and I um, wanted to know if Connor wanted to hang out with me? I know he is taking the week to recollect... sorry I can just go. I'm sorry," I say and start to leave nervous about why I was even coming in the first place.

"No, Evan! Please come in! We have been watching movies together all day. I finally have gotten some alone time with my son... I don't remember the last time we did that. I'm going to make more popcorn. Connor is downstairs, first door on the left!"

Mrs.Murphy seems like she is on cloud nine because of the day she has spent with her son. I wish my mom would be able to take a day off for 'us ' time, but I know why she wouldn't be able to.

I make my way down the stairs and see Connor wrapped in a deep purple blanket and in a Spider-Man onesie.

"Did you make more popcorn before Spider-Man 2!" Connor looks over and realizes it isn't his mom and sits up as straight as possible.

"What are you doing here." He seemed a little panicked. Like I would judge him for loving Spider-Man.

"I just wanted to see how you were and hang out with you. I thought you'd like being surprised by a guest?" I say very unsure of myself. I fidget a lot with my bag waiting for a response.

" I'm so not used to having people over. I don't even remember the last time I had someone over as a friend..." he thinks about it hard, but I can tell he is getting upset about that.

" I brought you some things!" I say excitedly. I take out a bag of Doritos, sour Skittles, and dark purple nail polish.

"I know it isn't a lot... but Zoe said that these were your favourite, and I thought you might want to add a new colour to your nail polish collection?" I really hope that he likes these things... I didn't want to go too overboard in case he didn't like any of the things I bought him. I also didn't want him thinking I was in love with him or something.

Connor opens the bag of Doritos and takes a deep inhale. "Hansen you seem to know how to make a guy feel better" he laughed and started to eat the chips.

I wanted to feel more comfortable so I sat down on the couch at the opposite end from him. "So... what movies have you watched today?" Connor pulls out a stack of DVD's from which, I guess, he has watched or is planning to watch. Almost all of them are superhero movies.

"These are some of my favourites. We are about to watch Spider-man 2 though" He says excitedly. I can still hear the exhausted tone to his voice, and like he would rather be alone even though I think he is grateful for some company.

"Wow, you really like superheroes. Any reason?" I ask. I'm sure the answer is going to be super obvious or something. I look so stupid, I don't even know how to talk to people.

"I actually really love art. I have a comic book collection upstairs, and I was thinking about going to college for graphic design. I think it would be so cool to create things that have gotten me through tough times you know? I like painting the most so I doubt I'll make a career out of comic book designs, but why not right?" He talks so calmly while painting his nails with the new paint I got him.

"I would love to see some of your art sometime," I blurt out. I don't know the first thing about art I have no clue how I will even talk about it.

"Why? To laugh at them?" He says under his breath "'Oh the school shooter has feelings'" He said in a mocking tone. I blinked a few times, a little uncomfortable with the situation. "N-no... I'm j-just interested? I don't really know a lot about art so my opinions aren't even valid, and I can understand why you wouldn't want to show me them because they make you seem more vulnerable because art is the highest form of vulnerability to me. You're just putting yourself all out there like "Hey world here I am what do you think" and it's kind of terrifying because some people could you know, like, not like it, but then other people could stare at it for hours, and I think that's why I admire artists so much and not just like visual artists, but like all artists you know? It's a very courageous form of expressing yourself."

Now it was Connors turn to stare dumbfounded at me. "I think that was the most I have ever heard you say and I've known you since I moved here in the 2nd grade." I look down and started picking at the skin around my nails. "That was really cool though, never thought about it that way," he said with a shrug and started to play on his phone.

"So after Spider-man, I can see some stuff?" I ask hesitantly. I don't want to offend him if he has already given me an answer. "Buy me dinner first before I show you my vulnerable side." He said again so nonchalantly.

"How about Saturday?" I said trying to sound like it was no big deal but my hands were a shaking mess. I hope he didn't see that. "Your pick, or mine?" He said, now looking at me with his full attention. "How about you pick? Umm... that way you can uh, deam the dinner worthy enough to see your art?" I say trying to hide my smile. This is so great. Finally having a friend. It feels like friendship, at least I think?

"Sounds good to me. Give me some time to think of some good places," he gives me a slight smile then sees his mom come back down the stairs, and hits play on the movie. Mrs.Murphy made 3 bowls of popcorn, one for each of us. I think that this is so relaxing, I don't feel so anxious about coming over anymore. I know for sure I made the right decision.

I look over at Connor and smile. I am so happy to be his friend.

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