Chapter 14

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"Good morning, handsome!" Connor greeted me as I opened the door. I leaned up and kissed him softly. "Morning!" Connor and I were going to do a tour of a couple campuses in our area today with Jared and Zoe. She kind of wanted to get a head start on the whole college thing I guess and decided to tag along. 

"Is everyone out in the car already?" I questioned as he let himself in. "Nope, I decided I wanted to make you breakfast before we went. Jared and Zo are going to walk over in a half hour. Now sit your butt down, I'm making us chocolate chip waffles." 

I ran to my room and finished getting things ready. Connor had gotten me a satchel like his for Christmas and I used it all the time. I packed it with my pills, a notebook, a couple CDs, and water. "Babe! Waffles are ready!" I flew down the stairs and wrapped my arms tightly around him from behind. "God, you're the absolute best Connor Murphy."  He laughed dismissively and shook his head. 

We ate our waffles in silence when Connor whisper mumbled something under his breath. "What was that? Sorry, couldn't really hear you." I say while trying to eat a 3rd waffle. "Maybe we should move in together next year." He said with very shaky breath. I wasn't really expecting him to ask me that, I am just staring at him in disbelief. "I'm sorry if it's too soon, I just love you, and want to spend all my time with you." 

I nod slowly at his words and take another bite of my waffles, trying to process what is going on. "What if we don't get into the same school?" Connor has the ability to get into any school where ever he wants. He has worked incredibly hard on his portfolio. I honestly don't think it is possible to be any prouder of him. "We'll figure it out." He smiled widely at me. "I just wanted to put the suggestion out there, that way you have time to think about it."

I stood up from the table and kissed him, "I love you." I whispered in his ear. He slapped my butt as I walked away to put my dishes in the sink. I turn around and stick my tongue out at him. 

"GUESS WHO!!!" I hear Jared scream from the main hallway. I guess no making out with Connor this morning then.  Jared came into the kitchen and ate the extra waffle Connor had made for me, but I couldn't finish. "Hey! What if I wanted that?" Connor pouted. He finished his 4th waffle and chugged back his milk. 

"I'm just going to go brush my teeth, I'll be back!" Connor grabbed his toothbrush out of his bag and ran towards the bathroom. Jared turned to me and raised an eyebrow. "What?" I said quietly.

"Ohhhh nothing." he laughed and finished the waffle he stole. "You really love him, don't you?" I felt my entire face go red. I nodded really fast and I could feel my entire heart leap at just the thought of Connor. Connor loving me for that matter. 

"You don't get it. He's actually so perfect Jared. He's actually everything I could have ever hoped for in a boyfriend. He's so kind and gentle, but jealous and overprotective, which is super cute by the way. Like sometimes he even gets jealous over me and you which is so crazy but it's really cute cause he's always like 'You're mine!' and it just makes me want to cry cause somebody loves me that much that he wants me that much. I get I'm rambling but I want to just gush about him forever. Sometimes my mom and I gush about him together and that sounds soooo weird but ever since he and I started dating I've felt closer to my mom. I don't know if it's because I don't feel so lonely and abandoned all the time now that he's in my life, or what the situation is. But to answer your question. Yes. I love him." 

I didn't even notice Zoe had walked in until she was applauding. I jumped like 50 feet in the air. "Holy moly, Zo, way to scare a guy." She came up and hugged me, then Jared. "Did you mean all that stuff? That you said about my brother?" I nodded fast again. "Zoe!! Don't fucking trigger him to ramble like that to me about Connor again!" Jared sighed

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