Chapter 16

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A/N * Jesus I have written a lot of these lately.* I'm Canadian and don't really know how the whole college and school system works in Murrica, but I'm making it more true to Canadian systems *which I doubt are that different.* So I apologize now for any mistakes

I can't believe that we are already at the beginning of April. It feels like we just started our senior year yesterday. It feels like just yesterday I was nervous to go to school and go through and not have any friends. It's so hard to believe that I am sitting here tonight, surrounded by my group of friends in Connor's basement playing board games.

Alana sits close to Zoe while Jared is grabbing cups for everyone from upstairs. "Who wants to be card Czar? Since I brought the game, I don't think that it would be fair if I was the Czar first." Alana said matter of factly. It was weird. As invasive as she may seem at first, it's all just because she wants to do what's best for herself and everyone. She's a lot less selfish than she seems after you get to know her better.

"Why don't we go by the rules of the game? Who took a shit last?" Jared said bluntly as he walked down the stairs with a stack of cups and chips. All of us were drinking a bit tonight too. We were celebrating Alana's victory in the debate club for their last match of the year, and she basically did all the work. We were all super proud of her.

"I'll just go first," Zoe said and grabbed a black card as soon as Jared sat down. I didn't really want to drink a lot tonight, I had a Mikes hard lemonade because Connor told me that it was probably my safest bet.

I felt so safe and secure with these amazing people. I wanted to spend as much time with all of them as possible before they all went off to school. It's crazy, Alana has helped me so much with biology since I told her that I was so into the environment, and I couldn't be more grateful. I feel like I actually fully understand things now before the teacher even begins to explain things. The way Alana is able to help other people based off of their skill sets is incredible. I think that she would be a great teacher, but I know that her going into political science is the absolute best thing she could do.

Zoe hated that all of us were seniors. She didn't want us to leave without her. "I barely talk to anyone in my year," Zoe whined while we all set cards down for Jared to read out. "What am I going to do without you losers in my life every day?" she gave us a sad smile.

We had only been playing for about 30 minutes when Connor gets a phone call. He stares at his phone for a bit before Zoe says "Connor! Aren't you going to answer it?" He nodded and answered while running up to the living room since we were too loud.

When he didn't come back after 2 minutes, I knew that it wasn't a telemarketer. "Jesus, who do you think wants to talk to him? All his friends are right here." Jared said after 5 minutes, wanting to get back to the game.

Almost on cue, we all hear a really loud noise come from Connor that sounded like a scream, and cry at the same time. We all ran upstairs and Connor was sitting on the couch in tears, a steady stream running down his cheeks, but he didn't seem upset.

"Yes, holy crap. Thank you. Thank you so much. This is incredible thank you. We'll talk later! Bye! Thank you." Connor hung up his phone and looked at us while we all stood there with our mouths wide open. "I've never heard my brother say thank you that much in my entire life. What just happened!" Connor grabbed a tissue and blew his nose before he could answer us.

"Guys, I did it." Was all he said. I didn't need to hear any more before I ran over to him and hugged him as tight as possible. I could feel my own tears start to come when I feel everyone else pile onto the hug.

"Which one?" Zoe asked, but I already knew from his reaction what school it was. "Rhode Island School of Design, for painting." He said with so much pride in his voice. He has worked so hard for this. "They offered me a scholarship too to go."

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