Chapter 12

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"Dear Evan Hansen. Today is going to be a good day, and here's why. Today, you're going to surprise Connor!!"

I wrote excitedly in class. I already read ahead in the Great Gatsby so I didn't really need to pay attention.

"I've been planning this for the past month. Tonight it is yours and Connors 5 months of being together. That is so crazy to think about considering it feels like you've been together forever, but like we just started dating yesterday. I don't want to write too much about it now because I don't want to freak myself out about it or anything like that. I'll write more later once he is super surprised!

Sincerely, Me!"

I've never really been that great at planning surprises but both Jared and Zoe have been helping me plan this for quite some time. It was mainly my idea, but they both helped me work out the details. 

Class finally ended and I practically ran to Connors locker, I wanted to get there before he did. Jared sprinted down the hall to me holding flowers. 

"Shoot! I almost forgot we decided to do this too! Thank you, Jared!" I hugged him quick before he went to his locker across the hall. 

Connor walked towards his locker with his head down, and like he is in a hurry to get somewhere urgently like he normally does. It wasn't until he noticed my shoes that he looked up. He saw that I had a small bouquet of roses and that I was dressed up more than just my casual school clothes.

"Thank you," he kisses my cheek and my smile gets even wider. "What is all this about?" Connor seemed really confused and I loved that. It just proves that I was better at planning this surprise than I thought I would be. 

"I'm driving you back to your place, and there is a set of clothes I picked out laying on your bed ready for you. Tonight's adventure will continue after that." He smirked at me and leaned back into the locker. 

"Oh how the tables have turned, Hansen. I love you." He kissed me and finished grabbing his things out of his locker.

When we got into the car, I put on a CD that Jared burned for me of all classical music. I remembered that Connor said that was his favourite kind of music when I first started talking to him.

"You're playing Bach's cello suites! You really do love me!" Connor laughed and had the biggest smile I've ever seen on his face. It was so good to see Connor like this. 

He's been going through a really rough time these past couple weeks because he has to finish making his art portfolio for college. I've never seen him so stressed about anything in my life. I also didn't realize how diverse Connor was with his artwork! He loved doing new things when it came to art because he thought that it would keep things fresh and fun. 

Before we met, Cynthia told me that Connor didn't even have the ambition to go to college. I'm thankful that I've been able to help him so much with his depression. He has been there for me through so much, it's only fair that I am there for him too. What else are boyfriends for. 

We pull into Connors driveway and both head inside. Connor runs to his room to put on the outfit I picked out for him. Cynthia was sitting at the table when we got in. "Do you think he has any clue?!" She asked me excitedly. 

One night when I slept over, I couldn't sleep so she made me hot chocolate and we talked about everything with Connor and I. At one point, she started to cry when I was talking about how much I loved him. I remember her telling me how her and Connor have regained their relationship since he attempted because she is more aware of his emotions now. Even Larry has been making more of an effort to be involved in Connors life! Everything has been working out well for him and I couldn't be prouder of him. 

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