Chapter 5

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Wow, what an afternoon. I didn't go back to school after lunch, I had a spare and home ec, so I wasn't too concerned with it. I wasn't sure what I was expecting to happen, but I spent the next 3 hours with Connor and his mom watching movies. It didn't have to be a lot to make me feel like I was apart of something. 

I walk home with a clear smile on my face. I don't even remember the last time I felt this happy.  I hear a car slow down beside me. I start to walk faster and panic a little bit, without looking directly at the car. 

"Hey dweeb, get in the car!" I hear Jared yell at me. I let out a breath and instantly feel myself get less tense. "You scared me," I laughed in a whisper to Jared as I opened the car door. "That's my job isn't it?"

Jared and I drive back to my house, and Jared just keeps looking at me. I start to feel subconscious like something is wrong with me and start to play with my cast. "Why are you so happy today Hansen? Still reeling from talking to Zoe?". 

If I had to be honest with myself, I almost forgot that I even talked to Zoe. I was so focused on Connor, and how Connor was feeling and what he thought of me, Zoe completely slipped my mind. 

I shrugged my shoulders and looked down at my cell phone where I see a text from Connor. I can feel my smile get wider. "A La Mode" was all it said, but I knew that he had decided the destination for our dinner Saturday. 

"Ooo you getting texts from Murphy? Let me see!" Jared says at a red light. He probably assumes that it's Zoe, so I hid my phone from him. "It's none of your business!" I laughed and looked back at my phone. ~Sounds good! I'll pick you up at 6:30? Sincerely, me~ I text him back. 

"NO WAY!!!" Jared screams. "Pick you up at 6:30?!?! You're going on a DATE?! With Zoe Murphy? Evan, I swear, I'm going to go break my arm too. It seems to be a good magnet apparently."

"I... I'm n-not... It isn't a... It's n-not what it looks like." I stutter out. A date? It isn't a date. I just want to be a good friend.

Jared pulls into my driveway and parks, clear that he wants to stay here and hang out for a bit. I get out quickly and try to drop the subject, but with no avail. 

"You've wanted to take Zoe on a date for 3 years now, why now are you saying it isn't a date?" I don't answer, but fumble for my keys instead. I throw my bag down on the couch and run to the bathroom. 

I splash my face a couple time with water and grab my pills. Everything is fine. I'm just over thinking. Take a deep breath. It's fine. 

I walk out of the room slowly and see that Jared is sitting on the couch looking at a cell phone. I instantly pat my pants and realize that I don't have mine on me, and must have set it down with my stuff. 

"The school shooter?!" Jared stares at me intently. "What is happening lately oh my god. First, this, what's next? I join the football team?" 

"J-just give me my phone back Jared." I saw, my hands shaking. "What? He hasn't been coming to school cause he's been too busy jacking off to the thought of you?"

"NO!! Jesus christ Jared he is taking time off to work on his mental health! He tried to kill himself Okay!" I scream and feel the tears begin to spill out of my eyes. "He just needs a friend Jared".

Jared sits down on the couch and stares at my phone. "I had no clue..." he looked defeated and handed my phone back to me. "I'm sorry."

I sit next to him and stare down at my phone to see another text from Connor *Thanks again for coming over today. Sorry I wasn't talkative. I'm not used to people...* I reply instantly to let him know I'm on the same page.

The rest of the night me and Jared just hung out. It wasn't like I had to entertain him. I just don't think he had anything better to do. Saturday couldn't come soon enough.


I wake up really early so I can get ready most of the day. I wasn't sure how formal A La Mode was so I needed to do research.

I get ready to Beyoncé and actually clean my room up a bit because I'm so motivated to do things.

I hear the front door open at around 4 which made me confused because my mom wasn't supposed to be done work until 9 tonight.

"Hey sweetie! How are you? Thanks for cleaning up in here the place looks great!" I hear my mom call from the kitchen. I run down the hall to see her, still confused by what's going on.

"You're all dressed up! What's the occasion handsome?" I can feel my face flush. I didn't think I looked that dressed up.

"I was going out for dinner with a... a friend." I smile wide and play with the hem of my shirt.

"A potential girlfriend?" My mom playfully punches me in the arm trying to get info from me.

" No he's a boy friend." I say and instantly panic. "WAIT WAIT WAIT!!He's not a boyfriend like hey I like dudes and going on a date with him cause like I don't like him like that and he's just a friend and why would I wreck my only friendship by being like "HEYYYYY this is a date???? NO? My bad!" But he's a boy who is a friend. Like a guy friend! Just bros! A pen pal? Ya...." I can feel how red my face is and I can hear my own heartbeat in my ears.

"Evan it's okay to like boys. I will love you no matter what! It's okay sweet heart!" My mom pulls me into a hug and clearly didn't hear what I said before. I just went with it and thanked her.

"What's his name? What is he like? How did you two start to talk?" I sighed knowing this would be a long conversation. "I'm going to go start the kettle for some tea. Why are you home so early?" I say and head for the stove.

" They over staffed the hospital tonight and since I've put in the most hours this week I got to come home early! I thought it would be nice to spend some time together but we can just chat before this 'not a date' date" she laughed a bit at how flustered I was by all of this.

" I'm sorry I wasn't able to reschedule this mom. I've been kind of looking forward to it for a couple days now.." I scratch the back of my head and rejoin her on the couch.

"So his name is Connor Murphy. We have been going to school together since Grade 2 but we haven't really talked before. He was always kind of a.. a bully? And it isn't cause he likes being mean he just has depression and it doesn't make up for what he's done to people but he's working on himself and that's all that matters. Umm..." she cut me off

" Is this the same boy from the hospital at the beginning of the week??" I nod fast forgetting that she was there for that. I just was trying to spew out as much information as I possibly could in as little time as possible.

"Well he seemed really nice Evan! I'm glad that you two are still talking and it wasn't just because of the situation. I'm proud of you sweetie!" She kissed my forehead and I felt all my tensity  leave my body and my excitement began to grow again.

" Ya we talk all the time. It's like we are inseparable honestly. It's really nice. We don't agree on everything but that's life. I'm sure we will get better with eachother as time goes on."

We continue our conversation, but I'm more focused on what time it is. I was leaving my house at 6:15 so I was there on time to pick him up. The minute it turned 6:10 I started to put my shoes on and double check I had my wallet and keys.

"Love you mom! See you tonight!" I kiss her cheek and start for the door. I'm so excited for this. "Have fun and be safe!" She handed me a 50 for dinner and I stare in shock.

"You deserve to have a fun time, let me help please." I smile at her thoughtfulness. I don't deserve someone as great as her as a mom.

"Love you mom! Bye!" Time for dinner with my best friend!

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