Chapter 6

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I start to play my CD super lightly in the car and start rehearsing what I'm going to say when I get to the door. I'm like an excited kind of nervous, which is so new and weird to me.

I pull into their driveway and I see Connor underneath a tree at the side of the house. I get out of my car and go over to him.

I reach him instantly it smells different. "Holy crap did a skunk spray around here or something?" I say holding my arm to my nose.

Connor starts laughing hysterically under the tree. I think I can actually see tears start to form from him laughing so hard. I just stare dumbfounded at what could be so funny about a skunk.

"Evan! Oh sweet poor innocent Evan." He stands up and puts his arm around my shoulder. "This, young sir, is a joint!" He says joyfully and sticks his arm out. "Now, usually this would be the time when I offer you a hit! Take away your innocence, but since you're driving, no substances for poor Ev. Aww." He pouted and kissed my cheek. "It doesn't usually make me like this. It's probably just cause it's mixed with anxiety for going out tonight." He laughed and combed his fingers through his hair. "I'm going to go get changed so I don't smell like skunk and so I can look as good as you do."

I stood there in shock. I knew there were rumors that he was a drug addict but I guess pot isnt that bad. I don't think I would ever want to try it. It did seem to make him more positive though... I walked back to my car and waited for him there while he finished getting ready.

He bounces out of the house with a bottle of water in hand and satchel on his hip. "TO A LA MODE!!!" He screamed dramatically. "To A La Mode!" I cheer back.

It wasn't that far of a drive, but it was just outside of the city. It was a cute little diner that didn't seem super popular. "Is this the right place?" I ask as I pull up.

"But of course Mr. Hansen! Only the finest of establishments for one of the finest gentlemen!" I couldn't help but laugh. Connor Murphy seemed to really be comfortable with me and it made me feel safe and wanted. I couldn't describe it any other way but that.

We go in and Connor races towards a booth in the far back corner. " My family and I used to come here a lot when I was younger." He said with a slight smile. "I don't think it'll even be here still but..." Connor started searching the wood table and benches for something. That's when I spotted his name wrote in the bench right behind his head.

"Connor! By your head." He turns and bursts out laughing. "I knew it was somewhere. My first official crime at the prime age of just 8 years old "

He retraced the letters with a pen he had on him. "Perfect" he whispered.

The whole meal was like this. It was just the two of us in the whole place except for the odd one or two people that came in to buy a coffee.

"Okay listen. We can't leave here until you've tried the ice cream here. It's literally like heaven" Connor said to me while he picked at the last few fries on his plate.

I nodded my head. I was in shock by how good of a time I was having. " you've gotta loosen up a bit Ev! You always seem so tense! I'll help with that when we get back to my house" he laughs, and under his breath I can hear him say " That sounded so gay" and kept laughing.

"You pick for both of us! I trust your recommendation" I blurt out. I look down at my phone and see the 7 text messages I haven't opened yet from my mom and the 3 from Jared. It almost appeared for a second that I was popular.

"Ballsy move Hansen. No turning back now!" He goes up to the counter to order our ice creams. I think this would be the best time to check my phone. All my texts from my mom are asking me if I'm having a good time. I smile and look over to Connor who gives me a big thumbs up.
*really great mom, I'm going to his house after,he is showing me his paintings! I'll text you more in a bit!*

I hesitantly read the texts from Jared. I didn't want him to be rude about the fact I was out with Connor right now. *hey dude how goes the date?? Not dead yet right* I rolled my eyes and decided I was going to be sarcastic.

*the date is going so well, we have already confessed our love for eachother. But yes,I am dead. You are now speaking to the ghost of Evan Hansen!* I finish typing and put my phone away just as Connor comes back with 2 large cones of ice cream.

"I want you to try and guess what flavour I got you without me saying." He laughed and started to eat his ice cream.

I had no clue what kind it was. It tasted like a cluster of a bunch of different flavours. "I give up Connor, I have no clue. I bow down to your flavour picking skills though. This is delicious!"

"It is... drum roll please!" I laughed excitedly and started stamping my feet on the ground. "Chocolate mint chip cookie dough with peanut butter flavoured ice cream." I couldn't stop laughing but continued to eat my ice cream. "I think it's my new favourite kind."

I go and pay for the two of us and we make our way out to the car. The drive consisted of me telling Connor about the different types of trees we passed, and he didn't even seem to mind.

"So was that worthy of seeing your art??" I laughed, nervous he would say no. "I didn't even get a goodnight kiss from my date. Let the judges deliberate." He laughed and sat there humming and ha-ing.

"I guessssss" he finally said as we rounded the corner to his house. "Only if you stay the night!" he quickly added on. I thought about how my mom finally had the day off of work but I then thought about how often I have the chance to have a real friend.

"Let me text my mom, shouldn't be a problem." I laughed and text her when we pull into his driveway. Connor threw his fist up in victory.

He escorts me up to his bedroom which has dark blue walls and a big bookshelf along one of the walls. I'm guessing this is where is comic books are. He plops down onto his bed and pats the spot next to him.

"Are you sure you're ready for my masterpieces?" Connor asked enthusiastically. I nodded my head and crossed my legs. I wonder what kind of paintings he does.

He makes his way to the closet and pulls out 4 or 5 canvases from the closet and nervously looks at all of them. "I don't know which one to start with?" He muttered until he finally grabbed one and threw it onto an easel.

"So, this one, I just wanted to try to do abstract and I wasn't sure what to expect but it's the most fun I've ever had while painting!" He scratches his head flustered.

"What do you think?" Oh god. What do I think? I hate being asked questions like this. It was really cool and calming to look at.

"I like how it's on black canvas. That's really different. It seems so different from who you are though..." I say thoughtfully, staring at all the bursts and droplets of colours.

"Then you don't know me well enough Evan." He says with a smirk.

"I have a fun idea, if you're not too chicken that is." He said tauntingly at me. Oh god what does he want to do.

"I have some brownies in this box here if you're willing to try them?" He said taking a small bite from one.

"Th-these are ummm... like. Special brownies?" I stare at the open box as it practically invites me to take one.

"Special as they can get. Up to you if you want one, but it helps me in social things. Just an offer." He extends his box towards me and I shakily grab one. Oh my god I can't believe I'm doing this.

I think Connor is the same way. He can't believe I agreed and we take a bite of our brownies at the same time.

This was going to be a long night.

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