Chapter 17

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I hope that everyone had a great holiday! Sorry, I haven't updated, been working on exams and I finally got to see my family! It's been so long since I've updated but I hope that you all forgive me.  Enjoy <3

Evan POV 

I sat on my bed sitting cross-legged while Jared paced around my room. "I can't believe I was rejected to prom, not once, not twice, but THREE FUCKING TIMES!" He groaned and flopped onto my bed. He looked so defeated and I had no idea what to even say to help him. 

"Well, who did you even ask? Do you even talk to them?" I asked and started to play with the hem of my shirt. He sighed and started to list off the different girls. "Well, I asked Sabrina Patel, and she just laughed at me. Belle Schweppes, and granted, she's so out of my league. BUT EVEN TRISHA BAUGE SAID NO! What the fuck!" He just was so frustrated I rubbed his arm lightly.

"I would have gone with you but I'm going with Connor." I smiled lightly. I already had my outfit hanging up in my closet ready for Prom in 2 weeks. "Okay 1, that's fucking gay. 2, you're not my type, and 3, if I don't have a date I'll just be awkwardly there and shit and it would be so gross. I'll probably just not go. I don't even want to go to school today. I literally only came over so I could complain to you." I sat up and rubbed his back and told him things would work out and grabbed my bag for school. 

"Don't make me go back to the rejection trap!!! I'm begging you!" Jared whined. I laughed and threw a couple snacks at him from my fridge. "Food helps, now let's go." I laughed and led him out the door. 

School has been dragging on and on for the past two weeks because the semester was almost over, meaning high school would finally be done with. 2 more weeks left until I can say goodbye to all of it, and just move on with my life. Move on and make a better life with Connor. 

I look down at the promise ring I wore on my hand. My mom's reaction to the ring was priceless. She tried so hard to make it seem like she supported our "engagement" despite our young age. I wanted to try and see how long she would think that we were actually engaged before she thought logically about it. It took her 2 and a half hours, but finally, she had barged into my room and declared "IT'S JUST A PROMISE RING ISN'T IT!" I had burst into laughter and nodded. "Glad to see you like Connor though, and actually think it's possible to get engaged to him." I smiled softly at the memory. 

"See you at lunch?" I said softly to Jared. "Yeah, yeah. Wish me luck if I end up asking a 4th girl." 

Classes dragged on so slowly and I just wanted the day to be over. I just wanted school to be over. I would still get to talk and see my friends. I'm fortunate enough that I'm not a super popular kid, I don't have to worry about losing my friends when I move away. I guess that's a benefit of knowing who my true friends are.

I walk into the hallway where we all eat lunch and see Alana looking super nervous. "Everything okay?" We were the first 2 people here for lunch since everyone else usually buys theirs from the cafeteria. "Am I crazy, Evan?" She grabbed my shoulder. "As one of my closest friends I need the truth." She stared me dead in the eye and I shook my head no. "You're dedicated. That's not crazy? What are you even talking about?" I ask, sliding down the wall. 

Alana pulls out a rolled up piece of bristol board from her bag and unrolls it to show me. I feel my grin pull from ear to ear. "Alana, that is actually perfect." 

Jared, Zoe, and Connor come walking from the cafeteria with their food still hot. Zoe goes and sits next to Alana, I think that she knows what's going on as well. Connor plops next to me and kissing my cheek lazily while I steal a fry from him. 

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