Chapter 3~Warped Tour • What are the odds?

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I was being guided through the maze of different tour buses owned by many different bands.. by whatever this dude's name was. I came across some bands I really liked along the way. Such as ISSUES, Motionless In White and The Amity Affliction. And I swear, I thought I saw Attila's bus. Finally, Bring Me The Horizon's bus came into view. Which in fact was right next to Of Mice & Men's bus.

Rebekah would be so jealous if she knew I was just feet away from one of her favorite band's bus.

I was jerked out of the daze I was in, thinking about how Rebekah would react after I told her how close I was to Of Mice & Men by the security guard.

"I'm sorry but I have to check you before you go into the bus ma'am." he said sternly. I nodded with agreement as he patted me down, realizing I had nothing to cause harm. Then, he quickly turned to the bus door and made three clear knocks.

Ugh, I was so incredibly nervous. I could feel butterflies in my stomach now, almost giving me nausea. I could hear the footsteps come from the back of the bus to the door. Each step for me was almost terrifying, I held my breath and then, the door opened. There he stood.

The security guard stepped aside and Oli welcomed me in.

"Hello there, darling." he said with a chuckle, obviously seeing my rosey red cheeks.

"Hi." was all I could manage to say.

Ugh, Cheyenne, seriously? Wow, you're such a charmer.

He simply laughed and brought me to the back section of the bus where there was an assortment of places to sit. Such as couches and comfy looking chairs. He then sat me down on a quaint little leather couch.

"Would you like some tea?"

"Sure, that would be nice." I replied politely taking up on his offer. Tea at this hour? Whatever, it didn't matter, I guess. It just adds to the already very odd situation.

He left swiftly to make the tea, leaving me and my thoughts to sit and ponder. What was this all about really? I was confused, scared, and happy all at once. I was really trying to keep myself calm and collected. But, I'm pretty sure my cheeks are red, judging by how hot they feel.

"Hey, how do you like your tea?" he yelled from the front of the bus, which broke my train of thought.

"Um, just with a little honey, thank you."

Almost as soon as I replied he re-entered the room and sat next to me, handing me my tea.

He smiled, "how cute, we like our tea the same way." I nodded and smiled back.

"Do you know why I brought you here?" He asked, almost sounding like he was going to tell me a secret. His accent was so thick and I really loved the sound.

"No, actually." I said before taking a sip of the tea he politely made me. Then I put it down on the side table beside the couch.

As I turned back, he grabbed my hand before he began to explain. Oh?

"Well now, I think you remember our little stare down during the last song, am I correct?"

I nodded intently, eager to know what he was getting at.

"Good well..." He paused for a moment before continuing, "I just saw you and honestly couldn't keep my eyes off of you." His eyes were again, burning into mine. They began searching my own. His  eyes melded to mine, the glow of his eyes were so alluring. I couldn't pull away, it was impossible.

I finally brought the courage to say something.

"Well, you hypnotized me, that's for sure...just how you are now..." He smiled with satisfaction and I decided to go on, "what is it really? I don't understand.." I managed to finish.

"You are just.. so beautiful.. umm, may I ask your name, love?" He said still not breaking the gaze on me. Okay, this has to be a fucking joke. Literally, has to be. There's no way.

"My name is Cheyenne.." I said, my words laced with high confusion.

"What a gorgeous name, Cheyenne." he said with a smile, squeezing my hand just a little.

"Listen, this may all sound kind of ridiculous but...when I saw you there in that pool of thousands of screaming people, you seemed completely different from everyone else. In a good way though. You looked like the only one with a real good piece of mind and you already intrigue me so much and I- oh, I'm sure I sound insane right now..I feel like a complete child." He ended his little ramble. He definitely wasn't leading me on, at least.. his eyes let on that he wasn't.  

By now I was blushing uncontrollably and didn't really know what to say. Instead, I smiled and looked at the floor, breaking our eyes' connection.

Then as if he thought I thought he was lying, he added reassuringly, "I'm serious! I uh- think I may like you..somehow."

I took my eyes from the floor, still speechless. I again looked into his eyes that shone with truth and meaning. I could tell it wasn't just a gag to get me to sleep with him, no, it was something way more.

I can read most people. Cool, right?

"Please say something..?" He urged me with pleading eyes.

I took a minute to gather myself.

"Well, its hard for me to say something. I just can't believe you would even consider something like me. Never in my life would I expect something like this to happen." I finished, my eyes locking onto his.

Instead of a response, he began to lean in, meaning to kiss me. I waited for his lips arrival to mine, then suddenly, the door to the back room flew open.

"Oli! Mate! Where were you?! We were all-" Lee was cut short by Oli's stone glare towards him.

"Oh, sorry mate, didn't know you had a lady with you." Lee said with a small chuckle and stumbled out. He was clearly drunk to high hell.

"Hey, I have to take care of him. He does real dumb shit when he gets drunk." he said with a little agitation towards Lee's stupidity.

"It's fine, you do what you need to." I smiled, even though I was slightly annoyed at how close I was to kissing him.

"Can I err..see you again, Cheyenne?" he said with a little nervousness in his voice.

"Of course!" I tried to say without getting overly excited.

"Then here is my number, love." He scribbled his digits on my hand with a nearby pen. "Text or call me when you can." He said with a big smile and a wink.

I smiled, looking at the digits he put on my hand.
He then took my hand and walked me to the door of the bus.

"I'll see you soon, then?" He whispered in my ear, giving me goosebumps down my spine.

"Yeah, of course." I blushed and walked off the bus into the almost pitch black early morning. He waved and smiled as I looked back. I waved at him as well.

Did that really just fucking happen?

I walked to the parking lot near all the concession stands to find my friend. When I finally found her, I took no time in beginning to tell her about what happened.


Oh wut? That took me awhile to write gawd. xo

Comment or whatever's clever

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