Chapter 5~ The flame that ignited us

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It was 6:50 and Oli would be arriving to pick us up very soon. I walked in front of the mirror that was the same height as me and leaning against the wall in Rebekah's room. I looked myself up and down, trying to find a flaw to pick at. I had on a Slipknot tank top and black skinnies that had rips in the thighs, along with a pair of black converse. My hair wasn't straightened though. Lately I just liked it to be a little wavy. I then checked my eye make-up which, again, was "light." Being only mascara and eyeliner.

Breaking into my perfection session, my phone buzzed. I picked it up and looked at the text.

From: Oli

Hey love, I'm outside waiting for you. :)

I smiled and just decided to not text him back and instead, get Rebekah.

"C'mon Rebekah! He's here!"

I waited a second for her to come out of the bathroom and then we were out the door.

Oh wow. Oli looked adorable. He was wearing a plaid black and red shirt with black skinnies along with black vans on his feet. He was also wore a red beanie with the words "Drop Dead" knitted across the front of it.

He stood holding the car door open of his black Mercedes Benz for me, letting me climb in. As he did so, Rebekah sat herself in the back seat. Once everyone was in the car, he pulled out of her driveway and drove to wherever this place was.

"You look really good, I'm glad you could make it." He quickly looked at me, making sure not to take his eyes off the road for too long.

"Thank you and so do you." I looked at him and saw him smiling.

"Thanks, love." He said, his accent enhancing every word he spoke.

"Hey! I'm here too!" Rebekah interjected, trying to sound as childish as possible.

"Oh, mate! Don't you worry now! I told my good friend Austin that Cheyenne was bringing a friend with her." He said with a wink.

"You in..Of Mice & Men Austin?" Rebekah replied, her voice laced with interest.

"Yeah, mate! He seemed excited too!" He let out a chuckle, "you two would look smashing together, I think."


It was about 7:40 when we pulled into a long gravel driveway that led to a monstrous white house. It even had columns on the huge front platform that connected to the roof above it. It was a two story house and a very big one, still. The front of the house had plump green bushes and rose bushes. Vines also curled around the long columns. The grass was cut down perfectly and was the healthiest looking green. Wow. It didn't look like a band of reckless, head banging, item smashing men lived here at all.

"Well here we are!" Oli announced as he put the car in park and hopped out of the driver seat. He ran around to the passenger side to open my door. I got out and waited as he also opened the door for my friend.

"Wow, this is beautiful!" Rebekah and I both gasped as Oli lead us to the huge front door.

"Yeah, it really is. I'm surprised it managed to stay this nice. After all, we aren't the most prim and proper type." Oli said with a little giggle.

As he reached for the gold door handle, the door swung inward and we were instantly greeted by the whole band, Matt K. Mat N. , Jordan and Lee. Rebekah, Oli and I all shot back in surprise at the out burst of men screaming greetings at us.

They all took turns shaking my hand, moving in a line that also went to Rebekah.

"Aye, mate! Oliver here has been talking to us about you non- stop. It's nice to finally meet the lovely lady he would brag ever so much about." Jordan said with a smile while it was his turn shaking my hand. I nodded and smiled.  Before I could really reply normally, Oli punched him in the arm.

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