Chapter 18~ 21 Guns

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Title creds go to Green Day c:

Three weeks later

Rebekah's POV

"Ah! Austin! Stop!" I was squealing and pushing on his chest to try and get him off of me. At the most abnormal times he would decide to tickle me. He knew how much I hated it but he still did it.

"Oh c'mon! I haven't got to do that in almost a year! Give me some slack Rebekah," he grabbed my wrists and pushed them against my chest. He then wrapped his built arms around me so I couldn't escape.

"Fine, I'll let it slide just this once," I turned my head up to him and pressed my lips to his.

Ever since I woke up we have been inseparable. In fact, I'm certain I spent more time with him than I have with Cheyenne which made me feel really bad. What kind of a friend was I? She just lost a baby and I literally have done nothing about it. All I have been doing was staying at home and being with Austin. Don't get me wrong, after I woke up Cheyenne and I had a lot of catching up and had our time together but that only lasted for about two days. When I would see her, she would look so upset and bothered that it kind of pained me to be in the same room with her. So in a way, I'm running away from her.

"Rebekah?" Austin shook my shoulders. I realized I was holding a stone cold face that was fixed on the floor.

"Yeah?" I shook my head and looked at him.

"Are you okay or?"

" I'm not okay," I just said it instead of hiding what I was really feeling.

"What's wrong?" He looked deep into my eyes for answers.

"I have been keeping myself from Cheyenne. She is going through something that is really taking a toll on her and I do nothing about it!" I turned away from his eyes feeling completely pathetic.

"Hey, I know it's hard to juggle everything at once. I mean, you just got out of a coma and I know you want to spend time with me and her also. Instead of not doing anything about it just visit her! Yes, I know it's hard to understand what she is going through but bare with her. She really does need you even though I'm sure Oli is there for her 24/7, I'm sure she would like her best friend to be there for her also," he finished his small speech and put his hand under my chin so I would face him. I understood where he was coming from and took his words into consideration.

"Okay," I mumbled up at him. His eyes showed sympathy.

"Plus, she is having the wedding in May so I'm sure she would like some of your insight on that too." That's right, she has a wedding coming up. For god sakes Rebekah, it's your best friend's wedding.

"I'm going to visit her tomorrow," I stated while my face was still being held up by his hand.

"Good because Oli has to come work with me in the studio. He can't skip out this time, its mandatory. I'm sure Oli will be happy that you will be there with her."

Cheyenne's POV

From time to time I would just sit and drift in and out of consciousness. Things were happening around me but I failed to give any recognition to any of it well, most of it that is. The only thing keeping me from completely letting my dark inner self swallow me whole was Oli. This is the second time he has had to 'save' me from myself. I never 'saved' him did I? No. He was feeling just as much pain I'm sure but doesn't want me to see it. Ha, too bad I can see it in his eyes. There is no stopping those orbs from telling the truth.

Rebekah never really sees me anymore. Probably because I'm so depressed and she can't stand to be in my presence. I don't blame her, I'm really not all that great to be around now. All I do is sleep, mope, shower and repeat. Oliver somehow gets in that mixture as well. Notice how I left eating out of that equation. If I included eating, I would eventually turn into a fat, moping, shower-taking sad story. Oli practically force feeds me to get me to eat something. I have no strength to protest so I let him have his way each time. I really don't know why he puts up with me or even wants to marry a person like me. I'm so hopeless.

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