Chapter 13~ You're alive

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Tonight everybody was coming over for a dinner party so me and Oli could reveal the news of my pregnancy. When I mean everybody I mean the rest of BMTH and OM&M (if Alan even dares to come.) I really want Austin to be here. He has been feeling really rough lately though. He hardly picks up his calls, he didn't even pick up the invite call to this party. It really makes me upset that he wouldn't answer my calls but I did leave him a voicemail just in case he listens to them. Even though Rebekah couldn't be here, Austin in a way was a piece of her and him being here still means a lot. Austin is one of the best guys I have ever met, he's basically my best guy friend. I really want him to be here tonight.

My thoughts got interrupted by Oli yelling from the kitchen, "hey they'll be here in about ten minutes, are you ready?" I have to hurry up, I totally dozed off and forgot about getting ready, "yeah, almost." I actually was no where near ready.

I slipped on my blue dress that came just to my knees and had black lace around the shoulders. I grabbed my black heels and slipped them on. Here I am getting dressy, something I rarely do but hey, this was a special night. I put on some light make-up and walked down the hall to the kitchen. The smell of whatever Oli was making was amazing. As I saw the food sitting on the counter before being served, I swear my eyes were about to pop out of my head, "whoa..did you really make all of this?" This couldn't have been all him. He hardly cooks let alone make a feast.

"Yep!" He turned around from washing his hands and gave me a smug smile, "you sound like you don't think I did," he turned his smile into a pouty lip.

"This is just...I have never seen you make so much food."

"You have to keep in mind that we are feeding men, darling. Grown men. There will be seconds and thirds, believe me." I laughed, "yeah, all very true." I kissed him on the cheek and the buzzer to my apartment rang.

"Can you get that? I just have to finish-" I cut him off, "of course, don't worry about it."

I went to my door and unlocked it and I was greeted by BMTH. Lee was standing there quietly trying to almost fade away. When Oli found him after he hit Rebekah he was on the verge of killing himself as in, jumping off a bridge. He was overwhelmed with what he had done and didn't see the need to live anymore. But we all sat down and talked it out, even Austin was there though he didn't say much. Lee vowed to stay sober from that point on and so far he kept true to his word. I was actually proud of him but he still tends to be awkward.

"Hey guys!"

"Hey Chey!" They all greeted in unison and gave me a group hug. Lee of course not being half as enthusiastic as the others. It was okay though, this is how Lee has been lately so it was normal.

"I smell food!" Nicholls yelled and paraded into the kitchen where Oli was setting the table. Jordan and Kean followed behind him and soon a bunch of manly laughing erupted from my kitchen. Lee stood in the door way.

"Hey, come in." He cautiously walked in and I closed the door. His face seemed distraught but that was his usual face nowadays.

"Please don't feel so awkward here, Lee. I'm not mad at you neither is Oli and the band still loves you as well," I grabbed his hand to try and bring him comfort," try and have a good time. Please? For me?" He finally looked at me," Okay..but..will Austin be here?" Even though they were suppose to be on good terms, Lee was still terribly scared of Austin.

"I'm not sure but don't be scared of him if he does show okay?" He nodded and went to join the others. I heard him laugh which meant he was finally getting a little comfortable.

My buzzer rang again and I turned around to open the door. OM&M stood before me, with all their greetings. Austin although, was missing. Ugh.

"Hey, mates!" Nicholls shouted from the kitchen followed by some hellos from the rest of the group.

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