Chapter 17~ The sadness will never end

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Title creds obviously go to BMTH c:

What? That's not true. That can't happen, it couldn't. No. A joke? I was just staring at the doctor, into his sorry eyes. I blinked quickly trying to blink away the tears.

"I'm so sorry for your loss Mr. Sykes. She is sleeping now because she lost a lot of blood and doesn't know that the baby is-" Before I knew it I was infuriated with anger and without a second thought, my fist went towards the innocent doctor's face, interrupting his sentence. Austin must have caught my anger flare beforehand because he caught my fist. I tried to struggle from his grip, "WHY DID YOU WAIT SO FUCKING LONG TO GIVE ME ANY SORT OF REPORT AND WHEN YOU FINALLY DO, YOU TELL ME MY BABY IS DEAD?!" I screamed at him from Austin's grip whilst I tried to squirm myself free.

His once professional stance was now cowering in fear and his eyes pleaded for what looked like mercy. It just made me even more furious that he wouldn't respond. I finally broke from Austin's power hold, "I'm going to see her now regardless okay!?" My voice was toned down only slightly now, "good. I'm glad we agree," I announced as I pushed my way past him. He didn't protest against my statement. Good, that just makes it easier.

I could hear Austin tell Rebekah to wait awhile for her to go see Cheyenne as I turned away. He knew that I wanted to be alone with her now. I mentally made a note to thank him later on for that.

After going down a few hallways and through double doors, I found her room. I wish I would've known the room number, it would've made this scavenger hunt easier. I made my way into her room in a ghost like way. I felt dead now anyways.

She was laying in the bed, sleeping just how I saw her last. The tears that I held back in the waiting room came back and started to trickle down my cheeks, I didn't need to act manly in here. Her skin was pale and her face was expressionless. Her once vibrant light brown hair sprawled dead-colored on the white pillow. The sight of her sickly body made the tears coming down my face thicken. I sat next to her and took her hand, "what happened Cheyenne?" My voice was weak and small. She said nothing. Her breathing was the only sound in the room now.

As I listened to her breathe, I thought of how well she would take knowing that her baby, our baby was gone. Dead. Nine months and all gone in one night. It hurt, well more like beyond hurt. We've been waiting for this baby and we've both been so excited for it to come into the world for nothing. All of our hopes and plans washed away in a matter of hours. I brought my other hand to my face and wiped away the remaining tears on my face. I don't think my eyes can produce anymore now so its safe to wipe off the remainders of tears. I don't think I have cried so much since Tom died. I looked at his name that was tattooed on the side of my hand before I brought my it away from my stiff face.

I promised myself that I would never cry over anyone other than him but I guess I failed to keep that promise. He was the most important person in my life and even though he was my little brother, he would look out for me more than I would for him. I regret not being the proper brother to him. He would sometimes get bullied worse than me and I just failed to give a shit about it because I only cared about myself. I was so clouded up in my own fucked up life that I just didn't bother to give him the time of day. I was terrible now that I think about it. Mom and dad never gave a shit and at the time, I gave the impression that I didn't either which is probably why he took his own life. Besides all the bullying I guess he felt like no one cared and no one needed him to exist. It's my fault that he died. It's all my fault.

Cheyenne's POV

I was surrounded by darkness except one small window of light that seemed to want me to go into it. Then a figure walked out of it, making the surrounding darkness become bright and cheery. I recognized the figure but still didn't know who it was. The figure got closer, making it now clear as to who it was now standing before me. I could feel my eyes water, "d-dad?"

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