Chapter 20~ When a pure white turns crimson

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*Wedding day*

Cheyenne's POV

The harmonious sound of the 'hear comes the bride' song filled my ears as I walked down the path that was covered in flower pedals. I looked on my right to see Austin which had his arm intertwined with mine. Since my father was no longer alive, we decided Austin should walk me down the aisle. I had no problem with it, he is one of my best friends anyway. He's best man as well so I'm sure he feels special.

"I'm so happy for you," he whispered while tilting his head slightly to the side, keeping his eyes forward. He wore a bright smile that made the crinkles at the corners of his eyes enhance. The ends of my mouth turned up into a smile.

We arrived at the alter and Austin went to the right side of it where the rest of the guys were. It was Austin, Nicholls, Aaron and Jordan. Then I looked to the left of the alter where my brides maids were. Rebekah, who was the maid of honor then Allison, Savanna and Elizabeth all stood with happy smiles. I smiled back then turned my attention to him.



Oliver Scott Sykes.

Those heaven-sent eyes melted into mine and I was encased with his warmth. His light, his happiness was flowing into me with just eye contact. It was so powerful, I have never felt anything even remotely close to it. The day I fell in love with those eyes lightly brushed my memory. The day he brought me to his tour bus. The day that set off to many that we have spent together.

Our fingers threaded together and we stood side by side.


"Where are we going?" I asked trying to look out of our car window and recognize my surroundings. I really have no clue where we're going. I thought after the wedding we were going to go back to our apartment but Oliver clearly had different plans.

"Shh, we're almost there," he giggled at my slight impatience. He was acting very mysterious if you ask me.

I let out a sigh, "okayyyy." I pulled at the sides of my dress, it may be pretty but it got extremely uncomfortable after awhile. I'm ready to rip this thing off.

"We're here," Oli announced as we pulled in an unfamiliar driveway. I examined my surroundings which was considerably hard because it was dark outside. I could make out what looked like a two story house and it was mostly made of stone. It was actually a very beautiful house, I've always loved stone houses. Who's house was this though? I've surely never been here before.

"Who's house is this?" I asked whilst we both exited the car. My gaze was still fixed on the unknown home before me.

Before I knew it, I was lifted up off of the ground and into Oli's arms.

"It's our house," he looked down on me with a smile that stretched on his face from ear to ear.

"What?!" A new house? When did he have time to do all of this?

He laughed at my bewilderment and instead of really answering my question, he collied his lips with mine.

We broke our kiss, "Oliver.. I don't know what to say," I was honestly still in a state of shock.

"Just say you love me!" He replied while running with me in his arms to our new front door. I laughed at his sudden energetic outburst.

How he ran so fast with me in his arms, I do not know. We got to the door of the house and he struggled to turn the knob with me in his arms but he did it. He carried me through the threshold and took a few steps inside until he finally set me down. I looked around with wide eyes, all of our stuff was already here.

This is heaven, let's keep it a secret • [Oli Sykes fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now