Chapter 16~ An uneven balance

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I've called all the guys in the band by now and they were on their way here. Now there was one person left to call, Austin. I got my phone from my pocket and found his name. It rang about 5 times before he finally picked up, not the best time to take his time, "Oli?"

"Yeah, listen..Austin.." it was hard to say it so many damn times to different people.

"What? I don't have time for-" I cut him off, he wasn't going to finish, nope.

"Well you will this time!" yeah, I sounded pissed, "Cheyenne is in the hospital Austin! I don't know what is wrong with her other than she lost a lot of blood. The doctors have yet to tell me ANYTHING since I got here. So it would be good to put aside whatever you all had going on the other day and-" he cut me off, "I'm on my way," and he hung up on me. I really sounded mad at him but he seemed like he didn't care. His last words were etched with sudden worry. Cheyenne was like his best friend so no doubt he feels bad now. For whatever it was he said to her the other day having to do with her father.

I have been sitting in this damn hospital waiting room for three hours and have yet to hear a thing about Cheyenne. I tried to lay back and relax in the hospital chair but I only kept clawing at the side of it with anticipation. Why haven't they come and at least and told me how she was doing? It made me furious. I guess they were busy but really? This was down right outrageous. I was seconds away from barging into that damn room right now. I can't get kicked out of the hospital though. That would only make things worse than they already are.

"Oliver Sykes?" I heard the familiar nurse's innocent voice call my name and I shot up out of the battle I was having with myself on whether I should let my anger get the best of me or not.

"Y-yes?" My voice cracked with anticipation.

She started looking at her clipboard and the papers that were on it mumbling, "well let's see...okay..yes, this is you right?" She gestured to my name in a form that was filled out in Austin's writing. I nodded and she continued, "Rebekah has woken up from her coma." My mouth dropped, the words struck me like lightening. She said it plainly, then again maybe she didn't know how long she was really unconscious. This was so exciting but this couldn't have been a more worse time to have such a good thing happen. I really was happy that she was awake but all I could choke out was, "how did I get in the form?"

"You were the third person to be in charge of signing her out if Austin or Cheyenne couldn't," she handed me a pen to sign her out with and I did.

"How is Cheyenne?" I burned my eyes into hers now, trying to pry some sort of an answer from her. She shook away my glare and walked away but I grabbed her and spun her towards me, "tell me now! I have a right to know!" my sudden anger made her flinch and shut her eyes. She tried to squirm from my grip but I wouldn't let her, "I need some answers, It's been almost four fucking hours! Do you even care?" I spat at her frail figure. This was one of my flaws, I often let anger get the best of me. If it didn't one way it would find another.

"S-sir," she was shaking now, "I-I really don't know. T-they didn't tell me what was going on..I-I only went in to bring papers," she opened her eyes slightly at me, awaiting my response. I instantly let go, feeling bad for lashing out at her.

"Rebekah will be out in a few minutes," she quickly added and hurried away.

I let out a long sigh and slouched back into my chair. My head was spinning with all the different things going on at the moment. It's two major things, my fiance is in the hospital for some reason that is still unbeknownst to me and Rebekah awoke from her coma that she was in for nearly a year. This was a living hell, it really was. Just as I got comfortable in my chair, Austin barged in the hospital. How he managed to get here before the rest of the band, I do not know.

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