Chapter 12~ There's a light at the end of this tunnel

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One month later

My eyes peeled open and the sun stabbed them with it's rays. I flopped my arm to the space where Oli would usually be laying but he had to get to the studio early. Ugh, I hated waking up when he wasn't here with me. It felt empty and mostly cold. I unraveled myself from the bed sheets and walked into my bathroom to brush my hair and teeth. As I began brushing my teeth, I noticed me and Rebekah's tattoo we got together that was on my wrist. I had half of a heart with her first initial in it and she had the other half, with mine in it.

Rebekah was still in that dreadful coma. Not talking to her was slowly breaking me. I tried my best to hide the sadness I felt but Oliver could see right through me. I really wish that he couldn't, it would just make him sad too. It was like this never ending cycle of sadness. If it weren't for Oli, I would be in a corner somewhere lost in my own head, dying but he kept that from happening. Even when he was at work he would call and check up on me to make sure I was still alive. He knew how much this pained me and wants to help me as much as he could but if only he could give me Rebekah, alive and well again.

Speaking of the devil, my phone rang from our bedroom and I went to go pick it up, knowing it was Oli.


"Yes, I'm still alive." Even though on the inside I wasn't.

He chuckled lightly, "good. I should be home in a few hours, do you want me to get some Chinese food?" My mouth watered, we both loved getting Chinese. We have been getting it a lot recently but it never gets old.

"Yes, please. That would be great."

"Okay, I'll see you later then, take care love."

"Hurry.." I said almost inaudibly and hung up. Wow, I really sounded needy lately. I just need him to be here with me though. He's my only comfort, now that Rebekah was unconscious and Austin was depressed. Trying to talk about Rebekah to Austin would be a cruel joke. He would only cry each time her name was spoken from someone's mouth. Not bawling but just like tears of pain and hurt.  Which I guess in a way was almost just as bad.


"Cheyenne! I'm home with the boxes of heaven!" Oli's voice echoed to the back of my apartment and I leaped from my bed, "coming!" I wasn't awake or asleep either, I kind of just drifted from my own state of mind.

I walked into my plain little kitchen and all the food was ordered about on my medium sized round table. Oli pulled back a chair and I sat in it. He walked to the other side of the table and sat down.

"Thank you babe," I grabbed the beef noodles and dug my fork into them. I was very hungry actually. Hungrier than usual. "I'm happy you're home by the way." He looked at me and smiled, "I'm happy I'm here too."

We ate and then decided to watch a movie. We both decided on watching Texas Chainsaw Massacre (the 2003 version). Of course it was a horror, we both like that type of stuff. Then again so did me and Rebekah...I shook away the thought of her, I wont ruin this night by getting all sad. I sat on the couch and waited for him to put in the movie. He put it in and sat next to me and I snuggled up next to him, finally feeling happy in his protective bubble. Yes, this was the only time I really felt complete, here with his tattooed arms wrapped tightly around me.

As the previews were playing I traced the tattoos on his right arm, asking him when and where he got them. There was always a story behind them. After a few minutes of story telling and previews the movie started.

"Shhhh, now the movie is starting," he kissed the top of my head, getting me to stop pondering about his tattoos.

It was about halfway through the movie's blood splattering and gut wrenching scenes when I thought about my period. Yeah, my period. I mean, this is a bloody movie soooo...hahaha. Wait, when was the last time I had it? I can't even remember.

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