Chapter 8~ Breathe me

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Title creds go to Sia c:

I practically race myself to my apartment door. As I arrive, I realize I needed to stop myself before I unlocked the door. What if he thinks I wanted it to happen? That I have been cheating on him? I also realized that he could not even be in there. He didn't live with me so, there would be no reason for him to really stay..
I could walk in and be all alone again. Ugh. I feel really fucking overwhelmed right now and it hurts. My panicky thoughts seem to be flooding my head and taking over completely.

Now is the time to open the door..which could lead into many things at this point. I grab my keys from my pocket, put the correct key in the lock, and open my door. The door seems heavier than usual. As it opens, I see Oli sitting on my couch. Waiting for me. The sight of him is scary yet..comforting. Scary because of what just happened and his reaction to things. Comforting because, well, it was Oli. I close the door and approach him gingerly. His head hasn't even turned back to look at me. The feelings that were flooding inside me burst out all at once as if a dam inside me broke.

"Oli! I-I..," I was crying, causing me to stutter terribly. Why was I crying? This wasn't my fault. "H-he forced me.. he held me down and just kissed me! I tried to get away from him b-but he was too strong. Oli, I wasn't cheating on you! I would never do that.. And you should know! Alan was just a friend and he-he.. Him touching me..I-," my words were lost at this point. The tears drowned them. And there I stood, waiting for some type of a response from him but none came. I really do fear the worst at this point. I knew he could feel my eyes, that were drowning in tears, burn into the back of his head. He still didn't move. What the hell? Did he not believe me? An uncontrollable shake came over me, along with fresh droplets of tears. I couldn't bare to stand in his presence any longer. I turned swiftly and ran to my room. The bed looked as welcoming as, well, a "welcome" mat. And I took it's welcome by jumping onto it on my stomach. I began bawling into the sheets, creating a wet spot on the bed from my tears.

Oli' POV

She had to be telling the truth. I could hear it in her quaky voice. And I know she wouldn't cry about it if she was lying. Wow, I'm an ass. I sit here and listen to her brake and I say nothing. What the hell is wrong with me? I guess I was just stunned after it all.. but that really is no excuse.

I get up and walk down the hall into her room where she laid on her bed, shaking and sobbing. My steps made no noise as I walked up to the bed and sat down next to her. In almost an instant, she got up and threw her arms around me. My arms instantly returned her embrace,  holding her with all my might. I planted a kiss on the top of her head before resting my chin on top.

"Cheyenne..." I began, "I'm so sorry I said nothing to you before. I'm such an ass and I'm sorry. I was just stunned from it all and didn't know what to think, ya know? But really, that isn't an excuse.." I could feel a lump start to grow in my throat, but I swallowed it. What are you thinking? Be the man, Oliver.

She loosened her arms around me and looked up at me, her beautiful brown orbs sparkling with tears. The hurt she felt reflected deep within them. I cupped her precious, soaking wet face with my hands and kissed away every tear on her cheeks. My eyes looked back into hers and she finally gave me a small smile.

A realization came over me. I loved her. She was my everything and I have yet to even mention it. What is wrong with you?

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