Chapter 15~ Bleed out

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Title creds go to Blue October c: ^such a lovely song

1 week later

I haven't told Austin about me and Oli being engaged yet because I've just never got around to it I guess. All the other band members of BMTH knew though. I kind of felt bad about it too because Austin has always told me everything. Maybe he will be at the hospital when I go to see Rebekah. I agree it isn't the best place to reveal such joyous news but I really didn't see him otherwise. It would have to do.

I parked my car in the "expectant mothers" section and hoisted myself out of the car. Jeez, even getting out of the car was a tedious task. I pulled on the sleeves of my blue maternity shirt and shivered. It was so brisk outside. It definitely had a bigger effect when you've just stepped from a warm, closed in car.

I walked, more like waddled, through the hospital that smelled of cleaning products. I reached Rebekah's room and opened the door slowly whilst my eyes fell upon Austin. He was sitting in a chair on the left of Rebekah and his head was on her chest with one of his arms slung around her. His back was also shaking and I could hear faint whimpers. He had to be crying. The air felt heavy with sadness and longing, it almost made me even tear up. I walked slowly up to the scene and sat in the chair on the other side of Rebekah, not making a sound.

Austin's POV

Cheyenne was here and I knew it. How did I know? I felt the air as she walked past me, bringing her familiar scent to my nostrils. In all honesty, I just wanted to be alone with Rebekah right now, especially because I was crying. I brought my head up from Rebekah's chest that was moving ever so softly with each breath, "what do you want?" my voice was scratchy and sounded stuffy from crying.  She gave me a puzzling look, probably because of my attitude, "Austin.." she trailed off and then I continued for her, "no Cheyenne, don't-" she cut me off, "no Austin, are you okay?" Her eyes pierced into mine with concern.

For some reason, I was immediately filled with so much anger that I sprung up and knocked over the pot of flowers someone brought in that was sitting on the side table. The sickening sound of the glass hitting the floor made her jump.

"Okay?! Cheyenne, no! I'm not okay, okay?! Rebekah has been gone for so long and it's killing me inside! I feel like there is no hope..will she come back? I can't lose her..lose her like I lost my mom! You don't get it do you? What it's like to lose somebody you truly love? Of course you don't." I yelled at her helpless body that leaned back in the chair, trying to avoid my words.

Cheyenne's POV

His words stung like a knife to the back. I haven't told him about how my father died, how he was brutally murdered. I didn't tell anybody really, only Rebekah and Oli knew. It hurt that he said those things when I knew exactly what it was like to loose someone you truly love. My dad was the only person I ever loved. My eyes filled with tears, this was why I never brought my dad up. I would cry, each and every damn time. He eyeballed me as I shot out of my chair just as he recently did. Only not as fast because you know, my heavy stomach.

"How dare you?!" I spat at him and he was taken back only slightly but I went on, "how dare you say I don't know what it's like! I lost my father when I was 14 Austin! He was taken from me! He was fucking murdered Austin! Loosing Rebekah would be just as great of a loss for me if not even more!" I spat at him, my cheeks were burning from my rage. They probably looked red to him. He looked at me in complete shock and opened his mouth to say something then closed it.

This was too much for me, it isn't good for me to be yelling like this. My tears were flowing freely now, there was no point in trying to stop them. I turned from him and stormed out of the room. He called my name from behind but I paid no attention to it, I was furious.

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