Chapter 10~ Sound of pulling heaven down

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Title credit goes to Blue October c:

Oli's POV

Damn. I really can't withstand the urges any longer. She seemed a little startled at my sexual force but then eased into it. Not to sound cocky but I know she wants it too. Although she may not outwardly act like it. Okay Oli, that was very cocky. I can see the lust cloud in her innocent brown eyes, making them more black than they have ever been.

I grabbed her hand and led her outside, dodging all the fans and camera flashes. I'm wasting no time in getting back to the hotel. I had already arranged for us to be picked up by taxi. She kept up with my pace until we got to the car and hopped in. I told our driver where we needed to go and handed him his money in advance.

The sexual tension in the air is almost making it hard to breathe. I have to crack a window. The window next to me rolled down and she giggled, "is it too hot for you?"

"No, not really.." my voice trailed off and my hand moved over to her inner thigh. I could feel her eyes looking at me but I refused to give into them. Just for the sake of our driver, of course.

The car had finally pulled into the hotel parking lot. Before driving off, I paid my respects to the driver then ran to catch up with her by the hotel entrance. I intertwined my fingers with hers and walked inside towards the elevator where we rode the elevator up to our room.

Cheyenne's POV

I have played angel for too long. Over the course of months we have been dating, we never got this far. Maybe because of how busy he has been..or..I'm really not too sure why.. Wait. Is he drunk? No..there's no way. He can't be.

As the elevator climbed up, I looked up into his hazel brown eyes that, for some reason, I just now realized had a little bit of green mixed into them. Perhaps thet changed with his mood? Nonetheless, he was gorgeous.

The elevator opened with a mildly loud 'ding', causing my gaze to break and him to lead me to the suite. He let go of my hand and let me walk in, shutting the door behind me. I stood there. Waiting. Like I seriously had no clue what to do without his input. In times like these I wish my legs wouldn't turn to stone.

He swiftly came over to me in one step, pushing me up against the nearest wall. His movements were gentle, yet slightly forceful at the same time; letting me know that he couldn't wait another moment.

"Cheyenne..if it isn't already evident to you, I want you." The low, lustful tone of his voice made my face feel hot instantly. And without waiting for my response, his lips hungrily pressed against mine and I quickly returned the force. I felt teeth pull on my bottom lip, causing a slight moan to escape me. 

He kissed my jaw line and down my neck, kissing the small stars tattooed on it. His warm breath against my neck sent chills and goosebumps down my spine, causing me to shiver lightly.

"O-Oli.." My hips lightly pushed against his slowly growing bulge. As I did so, I could feel him smirk against my skin. In the same instant, I pulled his shirt over his head and threw it on the floor; letting him take off mine as well.

"Jump." He ordered, grabbing my thighs as I jumped onto him, wrapping my legs around his waist. He carried me to the round bed and laid me down on it. His body remained on top of mine, straddling me.

This is heaven, let's keep it a secret • [Oli Sykes fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now