Chapter 14~ Precious things

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7 months later

Cheyenne's POV

By now I was use to it. Rebekah's coma and her white hospital room that has been her home for at least 9 months. I'm not as sad I was in the beginning of it all but it still hurts. The only thing that has consistently kept me happy besides Oliver was our child, she would be worth the wait. Rebekah probably wont be awake to be with me when I give birth though. She hasn't managed to wake by now so I doubt she will then.

Austin is still not really Austin. Since Rebekah's death to reality, he really hasn't been the same. Even though I learned to cope with some of my depression, Austin hasn't. He just misses her so much. It really is like she's dead. I just want her to wake up.

A nurse came into the room disturbing my thoughts, "Do you need anything ma'am? You have been sitting here for quite awhile now." I shook my head no and she walked back out of the room. I'm actually really hungry, considering I have another person to feed inside me but I really hate hospital food.

I looked at Rebekah who no longer had bruises or scars. They all healed over the months she has been laying there. Her black hair flowed freely over the white pillows and her chest was moving slowly up and down with each breath.

"Rebekah?" She probably can't hear me but I would still talk to her at times.

"You have been out of it for awhile now. I have a baby that I want you to be awake to see come into the world for the first time. That would mean the world to me, Rebekah," I paused for a moment like I was going to get some reaction but none came. What did I think was going to happen? That she would wake up now that I tell her about my baby? No.

"Where have you been all these months?" I started to hear anger leaking into my voice, "do you know how much pain you are putting people through?!" Yeah, I was yelling at an unconscious person.

I clenched my fists and the lump in my throat began to grow, " I'm hurting a-and not to mention Austin! He is going through some type of hell right now without you and he thinks it's his fault!" Tears were brimming my eyes. I decided to just give up and threw my arms, along with my head onto her chest. The tears were flowing freely. Me and my moody self sometimes, ugh.


I waddled out of my car with my 8 month baby bump to my apartment building. At least this shit hole had a working elevator because if it didn't I wouldn't be able to get to my place. I rode the elevator up to the 14th floor and stepped out. I unlocked the door to my room, room 440 and walked in. It was empty, Oli had to go to the studio to work on his new album. He said he was going to take me out when he got home though. That was in like 4 hours from now because we had reservations at 7. For now I'm gunna have to sit down and relax.

I walked over to my couch and plopped down on it. Being on my feet was hard work with the baby being so big now. I put my hands on the bump, rubbing it gingerly. This baby means so much to me and I can't wait to raise her with Oli. I still remember when we went to the doctor's to see if it was a boy or a girl.


Oli's POV

"Are you ready to see what has been in that tummy of yours?" The doctor sat down and put some gel on Cheyenne's stomach. Cheyenne nodded her head with a genuine smile. I squeezed her hand lightly from my seat beside her.

The doctor grabbed some sort of instrument she had and began to rub it over Cheyenne's gel covered stomach. She turned slightly to the side and pointed to the monitor, "looks like you have a baby girl! Congratulations!" Cheyenne's eyes only watered a little and I kissed her forehead. Looks like you have a baby girl. Whenever I thought about it, I have always chosen a girl. I'm happy now that it's a reality, with the one girl I ever loved.

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