Chapter 9~ Amsterdam

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I was woken up from my sleep by Oli nudging my side and calling my name.

"Hey, wakey wakey love! Our flight will be leaving in two hours." After I fully comprehended his words, I shot up. That's right! Today is Friday!

"Well then, someone seems excited." He looked at me, giving me a wink.

"Pshh, not at all!"


We arrived at the airport with all of our luggage and met the rest of the band. We got our tickets and sat down in a row of seats by where our plane was suppose to be. It was about 15 minutes before the flight would be ready, so we waited. It's too bad Rebekah and Austin had to take a different flight. The one that we were going to be on was booked.

There was a calm silence between us until Lee broke it.

"Ey, Chey, are you ready to get fuuuucked up?!" Is he trying to sound douchey?

"I think YOU'RE the only one who is going to get really 'fuuuucked' up, Lee." I received a few "oooh's" from the rest of the band. Lee just sat there, completely red faced.

"'s Amsterdam.." His red face turned into a begging, puppy dog eyed one. I was about to reply but Oli interrupted.

"Hey! If she is going to get fucked up with anyone, it would be me! So stop being silly, Lee, and back the fuck off." He sounded firm at the beginning but at the end of his sentence, he gave a big smile to Lee. Lee just turned away, mumbling something under his breath and I'm almost positive that he said "wanker." Oli must have heard too.

"Ey, what did ya' say mate?" Before there was any type of response from Lee, the loud speakers of the airport filled the room with flight numbers that were ready to depart. I heard our number and so did the rest of the band. Simultaneously, we all got our things and headed for the plane.

As I walked behind Oli into the plane, the flight attendant gave him flirtatious looks. Which honestly, was pissing me off. Oli must have noticed me getting annoyed because he looked at me, telling me to let it go. There really was no use to cause a scene anyhow. I sat next to him and the rest of the band doubled up in seats behind us.

A female voice filled the plane with instructions. "Please buckle your seatbelts and turn off your phones. We are about to depart. Thank you." Oli and I did as we were told and I assume the guys behind us did as well.

"How long is the flight?"

"Oh, it will be awhile. Like maybe 7 hours or something like that." He detected the sleepiness in my voice, "you might want to take a nap, love." He threaded his fingers in mine. I nodded, letting my head fall limp on the seat before closing my eyes. I was going to need this sleep, the show was both tonight and Saturday night.


I woke up once again to Oli nudging my side. Damn, did I sleep the whole 7 hours?

"Oli, did I really sleep the whole 7 hours?" He laughed at me as squinted my eyes towards him.

"No, love. But, we have about an hour before we arrive. I just wanted you to have some time to wake up a little." I feel terrible. I just let him sit there probably bored as hell while I slept.

"Ah, Oli I'm sorry.. I just slept basically  the whole time."

"It's fine, really, you need the rest for the show tonight trust me. You must be silly thinking I was awake the whole time. When you fell asleep I did as well. I only just woke up an hour or so ago."

"Oh, okay. Well I'm glad you got some sleep too." I leaned over and kissed his cheek. The flight attendant that was trying to flirt with Oli earlier came by right at that moment and jealousy flooded her blue eyes. Heh, oopsies.

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