Chapter 4~What's next?

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Rebekah was pretty stunned after everything that I told her. She was really happy for me and how Oli showed that he took quite some interest in me. She basically had a stroke when I told her about how close I was to Of Mice & Men's bus.

"You what? How close?! No fair! Your little boyfriend better hook me up with meeting them!" Her words replayed in my head from last night whilst I laid in her tiny bed, staring at the ceiling.

Now I just keep on thinking about that last part. Boyfriend. Which made me think a little too deep. Ugh, just stop. Chill out.

I looked down at my clothes that I was still in from last night. Ew. I guess Rebekah and I just passed out once we got back to her house. The last thing I remembered was telling her what happened.

I got up from her small bed that we somehow always manage to squeeze into. I didn't want to wake her so I tip toed out of her room and went to the bathroom.

Wow. I looked like complete shit. My hair was ratted and looked mangy, my eye make-up was smudged all around my eyes, making me look like a raccoon. And I also managed to receive a few noticeable bruises on my arms. I really need to just shower.

I peeled off the sweat stained clothes that seemed to be attached to my skin and threw them on the ground at my feet. I feel so gross right now. I can't believe I slept like this. I stepped in the shower and began to wash my hair and such. When I started to rub soap on my bruised arms, I realized the number written on my hand. It's Oli's number!

Panicking, I jumped out the shower, afraid it would get washed away. I ran ass naked to Rebekah's room to grab my phone from the charger and put his number into my contacts. Of course, by my natural luck, Rebekah was awake and saw me scrambling ass naked to my phone. Awesome, I bet she thought I was crazy.

"May I ask, WHAT IN THE HELL YOU'RE DOING?!" she sort of screamed at me.

"Ugh, nothing I'll explain later. Right now my shower is waiting!"

"What?! You left it on?! WASTEFUL!" she said in a snobby but teasing way.

"Shut the hell up, I'm going, I'm going." I giggled as I grabbed my phone from the charger and ran back to the bathroom. I punched in his number quickly. Relieved, I went back to my lovely little cleanse.


It was around 1:30 when Rebekah and I decided to go to lunch. We of course went to McDonalds because...yay, unhealthy food?

We walked in, ordered what we wanted, then sat down in a booth by the window. Halfway into our meal, she began to speak.

"Hey don't you have Oli's number?" she asked while taking a bite of her burger.

"Yeah, I do."

"Welllllll did you text him?" she asked dragging out the words.

"Welllllll noooo, but I'll do it now."

"Wow, don't get too excited." she said sarcasticly.

I sighed at her comment with a small smile. Truth was, I was a little nervous.

I went to the contacts of my phone and clicked Oli's name and began to type a message.

To: Oli

Hey, it's Cheyenne :)

Not even 5 seconds later, my phone buzzed on the table causing Rebekah to make an "ooooo" sound. I looked at her with a "seriously?" face but then I gave into a smile. I picked up my phone and read his message.

From: Oli

Hey love! I was wondering when you would finally text me.

I smiled and typed my reply.

To: Oli

Sorry, I woke up looking a hot mess so I had to straighten myself out..which took awhile wahh~

"What did he sayyyy?" Rebekah asked in a needy voice.

"Basically, that I took a long time to finally text him."

"SEEEEEE!" She yelled at me with triumph.

I rolled my eyes at her then got a reply from Oli.

From: Oli

Yeah, the "hot" part you definitely got right ;) But hey, do you want to come and chill for awhile and maybe meet the band? Of Mice & Men will be here too. We're having like a bonfire thing.

I smiled intensely and gave Rebekah a sly little look while I typed my reply, making her slam her hands on the table and demand an explanation for it.

To: Oli

Ooo thanks (; yeah of course. That sounds really fun! Can I bring my friend along with me? She's kinda into Of Mice and Men.

I looked at her red face that pouted with want for an answer from me.

"Just wait for it." I said simply. I picked up my phone again to view another message.

From: Oli

Yeah! The more the merrier. So I'll come pick you guys up around 7:00 okay?

To: Oli

Okie. See you then! byeeee


From: Oli

Bye lovee ❤

I then put my phone into my pocket and gave Rebekah a big smile.

"Soooo what isss it?!" She asked slamming her hands on the table, causing people around us to stare.

"Well...I...err.."Truth was, I liked giving her a hard time.

"TELL ME NOW!" She bellowed, confirming everyone's suspicions around us. That yeah, she was insane.

I laughed, "well, Oli invited me to a bonfire he is having with his band tonight and Of Mice & Men will be there...and...YOU'RE INVITED!" I said, eyes wide towards the end to add affect.

She squealed with excitement and joy.

"AHHH YES. OHMYGOD I FUCKING LOVE YOU!" Her excitement filled the entire restaurant. She then leaned over, hugging me from across the table.

"I know, I know. Now lets get the hell out of here. Everyone is staring at us!"

We then walked out of the restaurant and I was struck with the feeling of happiness and began to beam at Rebekah.

"Tonight is going to be...interesting."

"Pshh got that right." She smiled at me while we got in the car to go back to her house.

Do I think.. I like him? Maybe. I don't know.


Was it good? wahh. Nothing totally amazing in this chapter but It will get saucy soon enough ;*

Comment or whatever's clever

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