Chapter 19~ Angles In Everything

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Title creds go to Blue October because they're rad as a bitch c:

May 4th • 10 days till the wedding

"Hey! I like that one!" Rebekah marveled at my dress as I spun around so she could get a look at every angle.

"Yeah, me too!" I was happy to finally find a dress I liked and fitted me well. Shopping for a wedding dress is not an easy task.

"It's absolutely gorgeous Cheyenne!" Allison, one of my best friends and one of my brides maids, exclaimed as she came into the room. I blushed and looked at everyone's cheery face that surrounded me in the room. Rebekah, Allison, Savanna and Elizabeth all had glowing eyes towards me in my long white dress. I was glad they all could make it. Especially Elizabeth and Allison.

Elizabeth was a lawyer and a good one too. She hardly had time to do anything because people were always wanting her for the job. Allison had a big acting career and lived in New York which in my opinion is pretty far from California, where I live. Allison and Elizabeth both lead really busy lives, it was a miracle that they made it.

Savanna on the other hand, lived nearby so it wasn't too hard for her to get here. She had her own animal hospital and was very busy most of the time. All of my friends have really busy lives and Rebekah and I really never got far with our careers. Instead we became a girlfriend or in my case, fiance to famous metalcore front men.

"You know what your wedding colors are by now right?" Elizabeth asked expectantly.

"Umm yeah. They will be blue and black," I replied to her as I looked up from my dress to meet her eyes.

"Oh ew. Now I have to wear those colors," she gave a funky face. She acted 'mean' sometimes because she was well, just Elizabeth.

I squinted my eyes at her, "at least I'm here choosing wedding colors. Where is your prince charming that you claimed you would of had by now?" I received some 'oooohs' from the others.

"Whatever, I'll get him soon," she stated and crossed her arms. I just laughed and went back to looking at myself in the mirror. The dress really is beautiful. It was strapless and tight around my waist and flowed down from my hips. It didn't really have any patterns. It didn't even have any lace, it was just one long silky dress. Which was exactly what I liked, nothing too mind boggling.

"I'm your favorite brides maid, right?" Savanna teased at me and I looked at her laughing, "stop, I won't even start with that."

"Because we all know damn well it's me!" Rebekah shot up from her seat with her arms raised. Everyone busted out laughing.

"Oh my god, just stop," I said in between  my series of laughs.

Oli's POV

"Oliver!" Nicholls yelled from across the room to where I was, somewhere in a rack of tuxedos.

"What?" I yelled back at him, not taking my eyes off of the tuxedos before me. I was getting the occasional black. I just needed to find the right size.

"How do I look?" I jumped at the sound of his voice that was now right behind me.

"What in the actual fu-" I spun to him angrily and was cut off at the sight of him wearing a tie around his head to make him look like a ninja or something. He was crouched down and had his arms in a fighting position. My anger was instantly drained from my system and replaced with laughter.

"You really have problems Nicholls," I turned back to the tuxedos, still laughing.

"You didn't answer my question!" He made a pouty child voice.

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